Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #786
October 14, 2019
I have been busy for the past few weeks, actually months, working on a new lecture that I will be debuting at the exclusive Buffalo52 Convention next weekend. This exclusive convention is in its 24th year and generally attracts many top card and coin experts. The reason most of you have not heard of it is that it is limited to 52 magicians and it is by invitation only.

The lecture I decided to present is likely the one I am most qualified to do (except for my own material, of course). It is a Gene Maze tribute lecture and will feature many of his routines. I will present a five-trick show that will be explained, followed by a bunch of other quick tricks and techniques.
It turns out that around half of the material I will present appears on his Pure Deceptions video. And almost everything else can be found on his Gene Maze page: HERE.
It is also why I decided to finally release his Catch Me & Win routine a few months ago. So, I can have something to sell at the lectures. After releasing it, a friend of mine asked me if I had any other routines that I have been sitting on for more than a quarter century and not tipping. The answer was yes and one of them is a Gene Maze card routine I have been doing since I was a teenager and will be explained at the lecture. It is called the Gambler’s Ways.
By the way, the only other presentation of this lecture will be at Marc DeSouza’s theater on November 6. Contact him if you want to attend.
Own Your Magic:
Sara Crasson’s autographed book sold out very quickly last week but I did get another case.
Get one: HERE.
Silver Chained:
Ted Bogusta just delivered some more of his Chained routine.
Currently in stock are all the varieties: Silver Morgan Dollar, Silver Walking Liberty and the Kennedy Halves.
Get one: HERE.
Triple TUC:
I also just received all versions of Tango’s Triple TUC coins sets (except the Morgans).
Don’t forget that you get a free 20-minute tutorial by me when you get a Triple TUC from MyMagic.
Get one: HERE.
Right after the Buffalo52 Convention, on Monday Oct 21, I will be presenting my current lecture for the Buffalo IBM Ring 12 that meets in Tonawanda, New York. So, if you are within driving distance please drop by and say hello. This is a fun lecture that features many of my favorite routines. For the lecture information go: HERE.

Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Oct 17-19: Lecturing and performing at the Buffalo 52 Convention in West Seneca, New York.
►Oct 21: Lecturing for IBM #12 in Buffalo, New York. Info: HERE.
►Oct 31: Performing and Emceeing the Halloween Magic Review at The Turning Point in Piermont, NY. Info and tickets: HERE.
►Nov 1: Performing and Emceeing the Halloween Magic Review at The Turning Point in Piermont, NY. Info and tickets: HERE.
►Nov 6: Presenting an exclusive Gene Maze Tribute Lecture at the Marc DeSouza Theater in Wayne, PA.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.