Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #797
December 11, 2019
Today I am releasing volume four of the Impromptu Card Magic Series as the latest download. Volumes 4, 5, and 6 were shot three years after the first set and featured 45 more routines. This time I allowed Aldo to include some simple sleight of hand in addition to the math, procedure, and subtlety that was featured on the first three volumes.
I think you will like these since there is a visual element to many of the routines. I really want to add some of these these routines to my working repertoire of informal magic. But the problem is trying to learn and remember all the ones I like. I am making a list of the ones I want to get back to, and including the ones I want to do on the trailers as reminders.
I also decided that it would be easier for me to remember them if I organized them into three trick sets from each volume. As an example, the three trick set from volume three is to open with Untouched then do Topsy-Turvy Location and close with Adagio. Nice thing is that you can do Adagio with the deck in topsy-turvy condition. I also keep thinking that Adagio would be great with Tarot or other types of fortune telling cards.
Impromptu Card Magic:
Volume four in the series features 15 more routines that are all impromptu and can be done with a borrowed and shuffled deck. Contributors include: Tom Dougherty, Peter Duffie, Karl Fulves, Ryan Matney, Rich Cowley, Richard Vollmer, and Howard Adams.
I put some of my favorite routines on the trailer for you to see, but they are not necessarily the best routines since some of the best stuff is better live than on video.
Oh, and watch the second routine. If you do exactly what you see on the trailer the trick will work. To find out why, you will have to buy the download. Which will be discounted until Tuesday night.
Watch and buy: HERE.
Back In Stock:
►Dean Dill’s Coin Wallet: HERE.
►Richard Micucci’ Zodiac Coin: HERE.
►Skull & Bones Lapel Pin: HERE.
►Devil Head Lapel Pin: HERE.

Trick Town:
My latest column for the general public came out in the December issue of Rivertown Magazine where I teach a mathematical trick using a Gummy Bear, talk about the importance of the number nine and show a fast multiplication shortcut. The column appears on pages 104-105 and the magazine can be viewed for free online or downloaded for your collection at: https://www.rivertownmagazine.com

I decided to extend the sale for the six-volume DVD set of Aldo’s Impromptu Card Magic until the end of the year or until I release all the videos as downloads. So, you can still get the set for a bargain price.
Get the set now, get the set: HERE.
Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Dec 21: Performing at Comix Comedy Club at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT. Get tickets: HERE.
►Jan 17-21: Exhibiting at the SAM National Convention in Las Vegas, NV. Info: HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.