MT: September 7 – 13, 1998

VOLUME: 9 / ISSUE: 252 / Monday – September 7, 1998
Meir Yedid lecturing in the Northwest this week. On the 7th, Spokane, Washington, contact Keith Layton: 509-458-2653. On the 8th, Boise, Idaho, contact Scott Guinn: 208-375-9554. On the 9th, Salt Lake City, Utah, contact Eric Wanner: 801-773-9251. On the 10th Albany, Oregon, contact Dwight Vance: 541-752-3900. On the 12th, Seattle, Washington, contact Ed Loveland: 253-631-7516.(9/7)

Jeff Parmer, Johnny Ace Palmer, Chris De Palma, Bob Markwood, David Avadon, Eric Buss, Enrico De La Vega, and Jeanine Anderson appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Sep. 7-13.(9/7)

Lance Burton: A Portrait on “Grand Illusions: The Story Of Magic” on the Canadian Discovery channel, Tuesday Sep. 8 at 9:30pm and again on Sep. 9 at 1:30am and 4:30am, Sep. 12 at 7pm and Sep. 13 at 2:30pm ET.(9/7)

A rerun of the magic themed episode of “Spin City” titled Lady or Tiger where Michael J. Fox is dating a female magician. Tuesday Sep. 8 at 9pm on ABC-TV(US). Richard Cohen and Bill Schmeelk acted as magic consultants.(9/7)

A magic themed episode of “Highlander: The Series” on Monday Sep. 8 at midnight ET on USA-TV (US-cable).(9/7)
VOLUME: 9 / ISSUE: 253 / Tuesday – September 8, 1998 
The Houdini Historical Center in Appleton, WI will feature an exhibit featuring Houdini’s career as a movie star. It’s focus will be his 1919, 15-part serial “The Master Mystery.” Featured will be original promotion materials, posters, still photos and lantern slides from the production. Visitors will also get to watch episodes of the original silent film, which is being released on video. The unveiling took place on Friday Sep. 4 during the Houdini Club of Wisconsin’s annual convention. William H. McIlhany, spoke about his efforts to re-release Houdini’s movie serial in a lecture which was open to the public.The Houdini Historical Center is located at 330 E. College Ave. in Appleton, WI. Admission is $4 for adults, $3.50 for seniors, $2 for children 5 through 17. For more information call 920-733-8445. The exhibit is scheduled to continue through Mar. 28, 1999.(9/8)
VOLUME: 9 / ISSUE: 254 / Wednesday – September 9, 1998
For the past several months Magic Circle (London based magic organization) members have received much correspondence which formed a very negative campaign to oust David Berglas after nine years as president. The sometimes-bitter campaign worked. Michael Bailey is the new president with 579 votes. David Berglas received 275 votes. Other winners were Vice-President -Chris Pratt, Treasurer – Brian Miller. Geoff Maltby of Repro Magic reported that “Bailey made a lengthy speech-of-intent and included a warm tribute to Berglas, which received a huge round of applause and turned into a standing ovation (for Berglas). Curiously, applause for Bailey himself was much more muted. One of the biggest audience reactions came when Berglas himself said that he hoped that a similar vitriolic, bad-mouthing election campaign ‘would never again be allowed to happen.'” (9/9)

Penn and Teller are taping several more episodes of their new variety series, “Sin City Spectacular,” on Sep. 10-12 at the Las Vegas Hilton. Tickets should be available from the hotel box office.(9/9)

“Magic In The Rockies” convention takes place in Fort Collins, Colorado on Sep. 11-13. For more info call Tim Pendergast at 970-225-0708. (9/9)
VOLUME: 9 / ISSUE: 255 / Thursday – September 10, 1998
The Masked Magician used in a new way by the Spanish TV station Chanel, Antena 3. Used to keep viewers from changing their channel they showed him performing a trick at the beginning of one of their shows and brought him back to explain it at the end. This was done Monday to Friday throughout the summer. Local magicians tried to stop it but, couldn’t. “Breaking The Magician’s Code” will be released on video by Real Entertainment on Oct. 6. The video will include two new illusions not seen on TV. It has also been reported that FOX-TV ordered two more specials.(9/10)

John Carney, Junge-Junge, Peter Marvey, Roberto Giobbi, Victor Voitko and many Spanish Magicians appear at the 22nd annual Congreso Magico Nacional in Malaga, Spain on Sep. 10-12. About 300 magicians are expected in the coastal town in Andalucia in southern Spain.(9/10)

Meir Yedid’s lecture in Seattle Washington has been rescheduled for Saturday Sep. 12 at 2pm at the V.A. Medical Center. For more information phone Ed Loveland: 253-631-7516. (9/10)
VOLUME: 9 / ISSUE: 256 / Friday – September 11, 1998
“La Cripta Magica 2” is a new magic theater which opened last month in Madrid, Spain. The first two weeks featured performances by the owners, Ramon Moy and his wife Anibel. The club follows the 11-year tradition of “La Cripta Magica” (now 1), which continues to run. The format, as in the original, is to hire a single magician to do a one-man show for two weeks. Neither theater is advertised publicly and there are no signs at the door. You just have to know or have a friend who does. You can make a reservation by phone and upon arrival be prompted for the password, which is “Acigamat Pircal” (“La Cripta Magica” spelled backwards). Five shows per week Thursday through Saturday. “La Cripta Magica 1:” San Hermenegildo 24. Phone: 914462933 (closed for the summer – opens again in October.) “La Cripta Magica 2:” Tarragona 15. Phone: 915399696. For more information click: HERE. (9/11)

Lyndel, Bev Bergeron, Ivan Dandini, Michael Kent, Al Coury, Niels Sayers, Carl Fowler, and Fred Moore appear in “Rackelcadabra” on Friday Sep. 11 at 8pm at the South West Complex in Winter Haven, Florida. All proceeds will go to benefit the Rackelman Family who lost their house in a fire. Their 14-year-old son is a local magician. If you can’t make the show you may send a donation to: The Wizards of Polk County, P.O. Box 2493, Winter Haven, FL 33883.(9/11)
VOLUME: 9 / ISSUE: 257 / Saturday – September 12, 1998
David Copperfield was listed as number 19 in Forbes magazine’s annual list of the 40 highest-paid entertainers. The list is based on interviews with agents and Hollywood insiders and only counts income derived from entertainment, not from outside investments. Copperfield’s estimated 1998 income is $49.5 million.(9/12)

Bob Read has been added to the already stellar lineup of WORKSHOP ’98 performers. Johnny & Pam Thompson will be the guests of honor. For more info, visit their website by clicking: HERE.(9/12)
VOLUME: 9 / ISSUE: 258 / Sunday – September 13, 1998
An interesting story about The House of Magic which opened in June in Blois, France. This is the long awaited $11 million museum dedicated to the life of Jean-Eugene Robert-Houdin. The museaum features interactive illusions, magic shows, scientific instruments, automatons, and the clocks he is famous for which have no visible mechanisms. The converted 19th-century mansion has, itself been turned into an automaton where every hour the windows slide open and a roaring dragon pokes out its head, crashing down the railings with huge clawed feet and waving its tail from a casement in the roof. The story was written by Barry James for the International Herald Tribune. To read it click: HERE.(9/13)

Larry Maples & Raven, Todd Charles, and Jeff Moche appear at Monday Night Magic on Sep. 14 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(9/13)
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