MT: November 15-21, 1999

VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 686 / Monday – November 15, 1999
Andi Gladwin, a young magician from England, is making a name for himself. He recently won the National Close-Up Competition for The Young Magician’s Club in England, The World’s Fair Award for best young magic writer, wrote a book which will be published next year, just started a column in Mag1, and is the only non-American scheduled to appear on Lance Burton’s upcoming TV special, “Young Magician Show Case Adventure” which tapes next month in Las Vegas.(11/15)

Joe Monti, Mac King, John Shryock, Mark Haslam, Fenik, Ardan James, and Bob Stone appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Nov. 8-14. Mac King lectures on Sunday Nov. 21.(11/15)

NEW JERSEY: Jim Sisti lectures on Tuesday Nov. 16 at 8pm for IBM #200 at the Christian Fellowship Church (1212 Livingston Ave) in North Brunswick. For more information phone Frank Valenti: 732-752-7736 or e-mail:

ENGLAND: Wayne Dobson lectures on Tuesday Nov. 16 at 8pm for the Watford Association of Magicians at the Orbital Community Centre (Haines Way, Garston, Watford) in Herts.(11/15)

Monday, Nov. 15
The Magic Show episode of Noddy on Monday Nov. 15 at 10:30am ET on WLIW-TV, and Nov. 26 at 11am on WNET-TV (US-PBS). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(11/14,23)
Magic Versus Televison episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Monday Nov. 15 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/14)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 687 / Tuesday – November 16, 1999
It’s Magic is described as “…an amazing and amusing package of family entertainment that’s compelling enough to engage the most restless child or leave the most illusion-resistant sophisticate agape.” Also are brief reviews of: Harry Anderson, Fukai & Kamika, Dana Daniels, Huber Marionettes, Michael Grandinetti, and Rick Thomas. To read the review of the show by Tom Gilbert titled, ” Riveting Illusion and Fun, ‘It’s Magic!’ for All Ages,” which appeared in the Nov. 13 LA Times click: HERE.(11/16)

David Oliver, Alexander, Skip Daniels, Jay McMahon and Mitch Harwood appear in “Magicians & Spirits” at The Green Street Grill in Cambridge, MA on Tuesday Nov. 16. Show starts at 10pm, bar magic at 9pm. All seats $10. For more info phone: 617-876-7094.(11/16)

Tuesday, Nov. 16
Magique Dominique and other young magicians on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Tuesday Nov. 16 at 11:35pm on NBC-TV (US).(11/15)
Salty-Come-Lately/It’s Magic- See 11/ 1.(11/15)
Lance Burton: A Portrait episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Tuesday Nov. 16 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/15)
The Future Of Magic- See 11/12.(11/15)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 688 / Wednesday – November 17, 1999
David Copperfield confirms, for the first time, his breakup with Claudia Schiffer in Germany’s Gala magazine. “Everything is fine between me and Claudia. We are still good friends,” said Copperfield. He continues, explaining that their work was too important to them and they saw less and less of each other. To read the Nov. 9 Reuters article click: HERE.(11/17)

The Houdini magic auction at Butterfield & Butterfield on Nov. 15 attracted a who’s who in magic. Not one of the most ethical auctions we’ve attended but all 365 lots apparently sold for close to $650,000. Ad to that total the buyer’s premium and sales tax and more than three-quarters of a million dollars was spent. There were many bargains to be had as most of the items were sold below the low estimate published in the catalog. Bid prices ranged from $20 for a newspaper clipping to $55,000 for a handcuff collection.(11/17)

PENNSYLVANIA: Martin Lewis lectures on Friday Nov. 19 for IBM Ring #13and SAM Assembly #18 at the Ritter’s Diner in Pittsburgh. For more information click: HERE.(11/17)

Wednesday, Nov. 17
Penn & Teller as lawyers on the Drew Carey Show on Wednesday Nov. 17 at 7pm ET on FOX-TV (US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(11/17)
Ricky Jay in Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) on Wednesday Nov. 17 at 9pm, Nov. 26 at 7pm, Nov. 27 at noon, and Nov. 30 at 7pm ET on TMC-TV (US-cable).(11/16,20)
Close-Up Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Wednesday Nov. 17 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/16)
The Future Of Magic- See 11/12.(11/16)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 689 / Thursday – November 18, 1999
Andre Kole’s Magical Spectacular at the Trinity Baptist Church (310-395-9961) in Santa Monica, CA on Friday Nov. 19 and at the Inheritance Family Life Church (909-697-1220) in Riverside, CA on Saturday Nov. 20.(11/18)

CHINA: The Hong Kong International Magic Convention features, Amos Levkovitch, Marc DeSouza, Fukai, Jay Scott Berry, Aldo Colombini, Lennart Green, Zhou Liang Tie, Mahka Tendo, Yuji Wada, Danny Cole, Fang Yan Ting, Ali Bongo, Xu Qiou, Harry Wong, Jimmy Leung, George Lee, Dante Law, Simon Ma, Albert Tam, and more. It will take place on Nov. 19-21 at the Panda Hotel in Hong Kong. For more information e-mail Mr. Hugo Wei at:

Thursday, Nov. 18
Lance Burton’s second TV special, “Lance Burton, Master Magician: The Encounter,” on Thursday Nov. 18 at 10pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(11/17)
Rough Magic (1995)- See 11/3.(11/17)
The Blackstones- The Father episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Thursday Nov. 18 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/17)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 690 / Friday – November 19, 1999
The Magic Circle Awards Banquet will be held on Saturday Nov. 20 at the Hotel Russell (Russell Square) in London, England. Marc Paul, Matthew McGurk, Andy Nyman, Pete Wardell and Jay Marshall are scheduled to perform on the show with Paul Phear, Stephen Mulhern, Stuart Milligan, Jaye Griffiths, and Rufus Sewell as celebrity presenters.(11/19)

PENNSYLVANIA: The legendary John Calvert does a two-hour lecture and headlines the evening show at Bob Little’s Super Sunday on Sunday Nov. 21 at The Warrington (Rt. 611, Warrington). In addition to the auction, free Champagne, cake, and homemade chocolate you will also see performances by Hank Moorehouse, Norman Carr, Al Hillman, Richard Wayne, and John Bundy & Morgan. Admission is a very low $20 per person for this 12-hour (10am-10pm), one-day convention. For more information phone: 215-672-3344.(11/19)

COLORADO: Darwin Ortiz lectures in Colorado Springs on Saturday Nov. 20. The lecture which has limited seating is being sponsored by  for ONYX Publications. For more information and reservations e-mail Ken Simmons at:

NEW YORK CITY: John Calvert performs and lectures for a combined meeting of SAM #1 and IBM #26 at the New York University (Main Building, 100 Washington Square East, Room 703) on Friday Nov. 19 at 7pm. The event is free to members. Non members will be charged $10 for the show or $20 for the show and lecture.(11/19)

Friday, Nov. 19
The Blackstones- The Son episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Friday Nov. 19 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/18)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 691 / Saturday – November 20, 2000
An article about Uri Geller in the Philadelphia Daily News quotes The Amazing Randi as saying, “Why did he hold it in two hands? …Now, I’m 72 years of age and I can hold as much as a dozen spoons in one hand. . .But he always picks it up in two hands and walks across the room. He has to turn his back to you and walk away. At that point he puts a bend to it.” To read the Nov. 12 Theresa Conroy article click: HERE.(11/20)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 692 / Sunday – November 21, 2000
Uri Geller is featured in USA Today with a lengthy article to promote his new book Mind Medicine. Explaining about his doubters he said, “Look, I’m brash and outspoken, so some people are frightened, and some maybe even anti-Semitic. I don’t understand the resentment, …I am not a healer, prophet or guru. I am simply a trigger, a catalyst, an enabler to your powers.” He also plans to sell his $8 million home and move into “a French-made, solar-powered, wooden hut that looks like a spaceship.” At the end of the article Geller Confesses, “I am sick and tired of bending spoons.” To read the Nov. 18 article by Marco R. della Cava click: HERE.(11/21)

Sunday, Nov. 21
More Secrets Revealed on Sunday Nov. 21 at 8pm and 11pm, and on Nov. 27 at 5pm ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(11/20)
Rough Magic (1995)- See 11/3.(11/20)
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