MT: November 12-18, 2001

VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,414 / Monday – November 12, 2001
Coca-Cola launches a “Live The Magic” ad campaign, in conjunction with the Harry Potter phenomenon, which will feature a three-year, national “StoryTravelers” tour where fifteen trucks will be going through the country promoting reading and offering entertainment, magic and gifts. Joe M. Turner was a consultant on the project and told MagicTimes, “I designed and wrote the magic show that is being used on the tour and trained the 30 performers in the performance of the show.” The goal of the tour is to motivate children to read and encourage their parents to read with them.(11/12)

Ricky Jay’s “Jay’s Journal of Anomalies” is the subject of a Los Angeles Times article/review where it concludes, “…[readers] will find in Jay’s remarkable journal an excess that is its own reward and, in this difficult season, a welcome balm.” To read the Nov. 11 review by Thomas Lynch titled ” Believe It or Not” click: HERE.(11/12)

Siegfried & Roy and Lance Burton were among the more than 40 celebrities who appeared in “Las Vegas Salutes the Spirit of America” on Sunday Nov. 11. To read the Nov. 11 Las Vegas Sun  article titled “Las Vegas Entertainers Stage Show” click: HERE.(11/12)

“Illusions and Beyond” with David Darkstone and Will Roya is featured in a Las Vegas Sun article. To read the Nov. 9 article by Joe Delaney titled “Darkstone and Co. add flair to magic at New Frontier” click: HERE.(11/12)

The Houston Chronicle runs an article about the Harry Potter phenomenon and speaks to Bill Palmer who discusses magic, Merlin and teaches a magic trick. To read the Nov. 11 article by Sherry Thomas titled “Try some Harry Potter wizardry of your own” click: HERE.(11/12)

Robert Austin performs at the Christopher Reeves Paralysis Foundation Fundraiser on Nov. 13 at the Waldorf Astoria in New York City.(11/12)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,415 / Tuesday – November 13, 2001
The Parapsychology Foundation will give a screening of Adrin Patrick Neatrour’s 1999 documentary “Spoonbenders” on Nov. 15 at 7pm. Neatrour is expected to be at the screening to offer insights into the making of the film and to answer questions. Although it is about the Geller phenomenon, of the 1970s, it centers on the kids that were involved and them looking back almost 20 years later. The movie is part of a “Parapsychology on Film” event hosted by Simon Pettet and will include screenings of the 1927 “Die Haut Phenomene de Eleonore Zugun” (“The Skin Phenomenon of Eleonore Zugun”), Dr George Owen’s 1966 documentary “Can We Explain the Poltergeist?” and other rarely seen footage. Admission is a $10 donation at the door and takes place at the New York Academy of Sciences (2 East 63rd Street) in New York City. For more information phone: 212-628-1550.(11/13)

NEW YORK: Charles Reynolds is the guest of honor at Magic on Manhattan on Saturday Nov. 17 at the Hotel Pennsylvania in New York City. The one-day convention will feature performances and lectures by Lee Asher, Dan Harlan, Chris Capehart, Yves Doumergue, Laurent Beretta, Infantino, Eric Dockery, Peter Kougasian, Robert Baxt, Doug Edwards, and Dr. Mitch. A good time to visit New York as the convention hotel has just lowered the room rates by $50. A portion of the registration will be donated to the 9/11 World Trade Relief Fund. For more information click: HERE.(11/13)

Tom Mullica’s Red Skelton Tribute show appears at the Liberty Performing Arts Center in Liberty, MO on Nov. 16-18 (Phone: 816-792-6130 for tickets) and at the Playhouse 19 in Crystal River, FL on Nov. 29-Dec. 2 (Phone: 352-563-1333 for tickets).(11/13)

Siegfried & Roy’s appearance at the “Las Vegas Salutes the Spirit of America” show is photographed in the Las Vegas Sun. To see the Nov. 12 photo and read the caption click: HERE.(11/13)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,416 / Wednesday – November 14, 2001
Murray wins the Gold Medal and $5,000 at the Shanghai International Magic Competition. Other winners were: LiuQian and Richard Forget (Silver Medals and $2,500), Julius Frack, Futoshi Hayashi, and Ardan James (Bronze Medals and $1,500). Thirty contestants from around the world competed in front of a distinguished panel of judges (Ma Bomin, Bian Faji, Zhou Liangtie, Ton Onosaka, Domenico Dante, Peter Reveen and Hank Moorehouse). Shimada and Juliana Chen joined the six contest winners in the final show, which was broadcast live on Chinese television. Moorehouse told MagicTimes that “From the impressive opening to the award presentations and the closing show this was a world class event. Plans are set for the second Festival to take place in 2003. To read a Nov. 13 related article from the Xinhua News Agency titled “Foreign magicians win top prizes at Shanghai competition” click: HERE.(11/14)

Andy Lansing who is a magician and president and chief operating officer of Levy Restaurants is profiled in a Chicago Sun — Times article. Lansing talks about how magic helps him, “Magic humanizes me. I become just Andy and show that it is not always about business. With a trick, I can get someone to smile, laugh, and have some fun.” To read the Nov. 11 article by Sara Fiedelholtz titled “Kitchen magician” click: HERE.(11/14)

Josef Mioduszewski, former European Illusionist of the Year, shoots his wife with a prop gun he rigged to shoot real bullets and gets six years in jail. To read the Nov. 13 article titled “Briefly . . . NATION/WORLD” click: HERE.(11/14)

NEW JERSEY: George Schindler & Nina along with Joe Garsetti will headline at IBM Ring #106’s annual banquet on Saturday Nov. 17 at the Russian Hall  in Singac. For information and reservations phone: 973-696-4130.(11/14)

CALIFORNIA: Mark Wilson and Nani Darnell present “Sales Magic Secrets” classes on Nov. 14 and 15 at 7:45-9:45pm in the Peller Theater at the Magic Castle in Hollywood. Classes will teach you how to sell yourself to potential clients, attract customers at trade shows, leave a lasting impression, close sales, business card magic, and much more. For registration and information phone: 800-367-8749.(11/14)

Siegfried & Roy receiving the prestigious “Mandrakes d’Or” award from the French Academy of Illusionists. The presentation aired on the French TV special “Le Festival de la Magie.” (Photo: Siegfried & Roy).(11/14)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,417 / Thursday – November 15, 2001
The Amazing Kreskin whose new book touts him as “the Nostradamus of the 21st Century!” makes a prediction about our future, “People are going to start having priorities, maybe breaking down fences around their houses, using porches, which were used in the days of no air conditioning when people spent time outside and visited.” The New York Observer caught up with Kreskin while he was promoting his new book “The Amazing Kreskin’s Future with the Stars.” Although less than flattering at times it is an interesting article. To read the Nov. 12 article by Frank DiGiacomo, Ian Blecher & Rebecca Traister titled “With New York a Celebrity Ghost Town, It’s the Season of the B-list” click: HERE.(11/15)
–To buy the book for $19.95 click: HERE.

The effect of the upcoming Harry Potter movie on the magic world is discussed in The Arizona Republic. The article looks at how the Potter vocabulary and references to characters and places in the story are being incorporated into magic shows for children. Roger Blakiston is quoted, “This movie is enormous for magicians,” and the article’s subhead is “Business boom materializing for Valley illusionists.” Let’s hope they are right. Mentioned in the article are Justin Winters, Robb Fullmer, John Petersen, and the Society of Young Magicians. To read the Nov. 14 article by Sarah Anchors titled “Potter’s’ magical touch” click: HERE.(11/15)

Teller is learning how to eat fire and Penn is “trying on a pair of fishnets and high heels” for their stint on the Rocky Horror Picture Show. To read the Nov. 14 Associated Press article by Mark Kennedy titled “New Voices For ‘Rocky Horror'” click: HERE.(11/15)

Melvin Burkhart’s obituary in the Los Angeles Times said of him, “He was the last of the legends living in the little town of Gibsonton, Fla., or “Gibtown,” which once harbored such human wonders as the legless Half Girl, the pincer-handed Lobster Boy, the scaly-skinned Frog Man and the bearded Dog-Faced Lady.” To read the Nov. 14 obituary by Myrna Oliver titled “Melvin Burkhart, 94; Carnival Sideshow Performer Known as ‘Human Blockhead'” click: HERE.(11/15)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,418 / Friday – November 16, 2001
Melvin Burkhart, who performed magic and stunts since the 1920’s at Dime Museums, Vaudeville Houses, Circuses and Sideshows, has passed away at the age of 94. “When he first took the stage as a magician at The Wonderland Dime Museum in Chicago in 1931, he was already a seasoned performer,” related Todd Robbins to MagicTimes. Robbins, protégé of Burkhart, will continue to perform the specialties made famous by Burkhart and which Melvin taught to Robbins over the course of their many years of friendship. “He originated the Human Blockhead act, hammering a steel spike up his nose, in 1929. He was still working it up until a month before he died.” …Go to full story.(11/16)

NEW JERSEY: Dan Harlan presents his “Pack Small, Play Big” lecture for IBM Ring #200 on Tuesday Nov. 20 at 8pm at the Villager Theater (475 Demott Lane) in Franklin, N.J. Admission is $10 per person. For more information phone Eric Appel at: 732-826-6647.(11/16)
Daniel Radcliffe who stars in “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” dropped by Tannen’s Magic Shop in New York City on Wednesday Nov. 14 in between talk show appearances. Pictured is Radcliffe and Tannen’s owner Tony Spina. (Photo: Louis Tannen, Inc.).(11/16)
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,419 / Saturday – November 17, 2001
Tom Mullica is featured in a Kansas City Star article where he discusses his relationship with Red Skelton and his current tribute show dedicated to him. Speaking of the way the show has been received Mullica said, “Most every show is a standing ovation… And it’s not because of me. It’s Red’s material. And he was so well-loved.” The article describes the show, Mullica’s tribute encompasses the most popular of Skelton’s signature characters and routines. He presents his one-man show as if Skelton were performing a career retrospective in front of a TV studio audience.” To read the Nov. 15 article by Brian McTavish titled “He dood it! Tom Mullica gets laughs and raises memories with his Red Skelton” click: HERE.(11/17)

Denny & Lee’s Magic Studio, Magic Inc., Hollywood Magic Inc., Academie de Magie, Magic Land, Davenport’s Magic Shop, Al’s Magic Shop, Magic Masters, Eagle Magic Store, and The Magic Art Studio are featured in a USA Today article, which describes each magic shop and it’s owners. To read the Nov. 16 article titled “10 great places to buy a magic wand” click: HERE.(11/17)

Brent Smith, owner of the Vanishing Rabbit Magic Shop in Calgary, Canada is quoted in the Calgary Sun, “I offer magic classes in the store and every one has been full.” According to the article the Harry Potter movie is making kids want to learn magic. To read the Nov. 16 article by Tony Seskus titled “Potter’s magic is packing schools” click: HERE.(11/17)

NEW YORK: Peter White lectures at the Magical Arts Center (578 Warburton Ave.) in Hastings-On-Hudson on Tuesday Nov. 20 at 7:30pm. Admission is $18 per person. For more information phone: 914-478-2680 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 47 / ISSUE: 1,420 / Sunday – November 18, 2001
Ron London’s school show which uses magic to teach the importance of reading is featured in a Journal and Courier article where he is quoted, “I’ve found a lot of magic tricks in books… Reading is a way to travel anywhere you want to without leaving your living room.” He points out, “It’s amazing where your imagination can take you through reading.” The librarian pointed out that “All the magic books will be checked out after this… I think this will help get (students) more intrigued in reading.” To read the Nov. 17 article by Naomi Reese titled “Around the World in 60 Minutes” click: HERE.(11/18)

Patrick Slaughter, Robert Baxt, Todd Robbins, Simon Lovell, Dan Harlan, Michael Chaut and Carl Mercurio appear at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 19 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(11/18)
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