MT: November 1-7, 1999

VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 672 / Monday – November 1, 1999
Meir Yedid Magic, which is our parent company, has just expanded by acquiring the video division of Kaufman & Company which has been producing some of the highest quality magic instructional tapes on the market. The current titles include Jon LeClair’s “Who’s Afraid of Invisible Thread?,” Derek Dingle’s “Dingle’s Deceptions: The Video,” Ray Kosby’s “WOW: It’s Ray Kosby!,” and Richard Kaufman’s “On The Pass” and “Basic Card Technique.” The prices of these tapes have been reduced and for the first time made available in PAL for the international market. In addition to the above five tapes footage to several new videos featuring Jerry Andrus, Rene Lavand, and Ray Kosby have been negotiated and will be released next year.(11/1)

“Siegfried & Roy: The Magic Box’‘ is reviewed by Variety. To read the Oct. 18 Reuters/Variety review by Godfrey Cheshire click: HERE.(11/1)

Penn & Teller continue their touring schedule this month with shows at the Flint Center for the Performing Arts in Cupertino, CA (Nov. 1), Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts in Cerritos, CA (2), Thousand Oaks Civic Arts Plaza in Thousand Oaks, CA (3), and at the Hollywood Theatre, MGM Grand in Las Vegas, NV (4-18).(11/1)

Joycee Beck, Lorenzo Clark, James Warren, Allan Hayden, Vic & Mary Kirk, Adam Williams, and Mystina appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Nov. 1-7. Gregory Wilson lectures on Sunday Nov. 7.(11/1)

Patrick Slaughter, R.J. Lewis, Bobby Baxter, and Todd Robbins appear at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 1 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(11/1)

NEW YORK: Herb Zarrow is being honored at the NYU Magic Club’s 3rd annual “Great Magicians Night.” Previous honorees were Dai Vernon and Slydini. Scheduled performers and speakers include John Mintz, Ronald Wohl, Meir Yedid, Warren Kaps, and NYU club members. The event which is by invitation only takes place on Monday evening Nov. 1 at the Bronfman Center in New York City.(11/1)

Monday, Nov. 1
Do You Believe in Magic? episode of ALF on Monday Nov. 1 at 5:30pm ET on ODSY-TV (US-cable).(10/31)
Salty-Come-Lately/It’s Magic is a magic themed episode of Salty’s Lighthouse on Monday Nov. 1 at 9:30am and Nov. 16 at 6:30am ET on TLC-TV (US-cable).(10/31,11/11)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 673 / Tuesday – November 2, 1999
Jack Baker who pioneered Ghost Shows in the 1930s and continued performing them through the 1950s is featured in an in-depth article in the Toledo Blade. Performing under the name of Dr. Silkini, the master of the midnight Ghost Shows, he “…would build a monster’s body, limb by dreadful limb. Thunder rolled! Lightning flashed! And the piecemeal body came to life …The monster would clamber off the table lurch toward the audience, egged on by the screams. He grabbed a boy carried him on stage. Dr. Silkini would strap him to the operating table and ‘chop’ off his head. As ‘blood’ gushed, Frankenstein snatched the severed head and ran into the audience. To read the Oct. 27 article by Tahree Lane click: HERE.(11/2)

Theatre of Illusion starring The Spencers will be touring the east coast this month you can catch them at the Jarman Auditorium in Longwood, VA (Nov. 3), Halloway Auditorium in Salisbury, MD (5), Memorial Auditorium in Frederick, MD (6), Gordon Center for the Arts in Owings Mill, MD (7), Proctor’s Theatre in Schenectady, NY (13), Arts Center of UMASS in Lowell, MA (14), Shiller Auditorium in Baltimore, MD (19), Performing Arts Center in Trenton, NJ (20).(11/2)

David Oliver, Marcelo Contento, Steve Kradolfer, and Alexander appear in ” Magicians & Spirits” at The Green Street Grill in Cambridge, MA on Tuesday Nov. 2. Show starts at 10pm, bar magic at 9pm. All seats $10. For more info phone: 617-876-7094.(11/2)

OHIO: David Acer & Jay Sankey lecture for The Magic Studio on Tuesday Nov. 9 at 7:30pm at the Masonic Temple Building (912 Phillips Ave. in Toledo). For more information phone Mike Night at: 419-478-8781 or e-mail:

Tuesday, Nov. 2
The classic 1953 Houdini movie starring Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh airs on Tuesday Nov. 2 at 6pm, Nov. 12 at 1:35pm, and Nov. 22 at 12:30am ET on AMC-TV (US-cable).(11/1,20)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 674 / Wednesday – November 3, 1999
Mathew Barney’s fourth Cremaster movie is about murderer Gary Gilmore’s search for Harry Houdini in the afterlife. Norman Mailer plays Houdini in the movie. You may remember that Mailer once claimed that Gilmore was related to Houdini. Barney’s tie-in is, “Houdini escaped from locked boxes, while Gilmore’s execution by firing squad provided a transformation from a tortured life on a desolate earth to a less violent afterworld.” To read the Oct. 24 Reuters/Variety review by Oliver Jones click: HERE.(11/3)

MICHIGAN: The third annual Motor City Close-Up Conference on Nov. 5-6 features Paul Cummins, Gregory Wilson, John Lovick, Mike Powers, Joshua Jay, and Troy Hooser. For more information click: HERE.(11/3)

Wednesday, Nov. 3
Rough Magic (1995) starring Bridget Fonda as a magician’s assistant on Wednesday Nov. 3 at noon, Nov. 8 at 4pm, Nov. 18 at 11am, Nov. 21 at 6:45am ET on HBOPLUS-TV (US-cable).(11/2,7,11)
Magic themed episode of the Love Boat has a magician fearing that his competitor might do a vanishing act with his daughter on Wednesday Nov. 3 at noon and 9pm ET on NOSTA-TV (US-cable).(11/2)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 675 / Thursday – November 4, 1999 
10-year-old magician Dominique Martinez who has been selected to appear on Lance Burton’s upcoming “Young Magician Showcase Adventure” gets great press in the Miami Herald. Asked about her future she said, “I still want to do magic when I get older, and most of my money will be donated to charity,” To read the Oct. 24 article by Jaquelyn Gonzalez click: HERE.(11/4)

Thursday, Nov. 4
Magic For Sale episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Thursday Nov. 4 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/4)
Hidden Secrets of Magic starring Lance Burton, Omar Pasha and Mark Kalin on Thursday Nov. 4 at 10pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(11/3)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 676 / Friday – November 5, 1999
Mr. Electric & Co., The Majestix, John Shryock, Whit Haydn, Yonkany & Anabel, and Mr. Mysto on one of the touring editions of It’s Magic on Saturday Nov. 6 at 2pm and 8pm at the Loberto Theater (33 East Canon Perdido) in Santa Barbara, CA. Tickets are $15-$25. For more information click: HERE.(11/5)

A profile on the life of Houdini in the San Francisco Examiner touches on his “crusade to expose fraudulent spiritualist mediums who claimed to be able to contact the deceased.” You also learn that the entire spiritualism movement began in 1848 by the Fox sisters. The whole story is a preamble to the annual Houdini séances which take place every Halloween. To read the Oct. 29 Chris Mooney article click: HERE.(11/5)

ENGLAND: Larry Becker lectures at the Magic Circle (12 Stephenson Way, Euston, London, NW1 2HD) on Saturday Nov. 6.(11/5)

Friday, Nov. 5
Animals In Magic episode of Grand Illusions: The Story of Magic on Friday Nov. 5 at 3pm ET on Discovery Canada.(11/4)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 677 / Saturday – November 6, 2000
Siegfried & Roy’s show at the Mirage last Monday had technical difficulties when their fire-breathing mechanical dragon malfunctioned. The curtain went down and Siegfried had to ad lib, telling jokes, discussing their projects, their life and he even took questions from the audience and bought everyone in the house a drink. After about 15 minutes the dragon was removed, the curtain went up and the show continued. To read the Nov. 4 MSNBC story by Robin Dalmas click: HERE.(1/6)

Peter Gossamer and John Bohannan perform at the annual Nassau Pop’s Symphony concert at Tillis Center at the C.W. Post collage on Sunday Nov. 7 at 3pm. Cost is $25 per person. For more information phone: 516-299-3100.(11/6)

Le Grand David’s Anthology of Stage Magic will appear on Saturday Nov. 6 at 2pm with special performances on Nov. 26 and 27 at 2pm at the Larcom Theatre (13 Wallis Street) in Beverly, MA. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more info and tickets call: 978-927-3677.(11/6)

Saturday, Nov. 6
A French girl falls in love with a carnival magician in the 1953 movie “Lili” on Saturday Nov. 6 at 1:30pm ET on TCM-TV (US-cable).(11/5)
Spooks Run Wild features Bela Lugosi as Nardo the magician in the East Side Kids comedy from 1941 on Saturday Nov. 6 at 2:10am ET on WLIW-TV (NYC area-US).(11/5)
VOLUME: 23 / ISSUE: 678 / Sunday – November 7, 2000
The Great Tomsoni & Co., Fielding West, Aldo Colombini, Fenik, Mike Close, and Handsome Jack appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on Nov. 8-14. Doug Brewer lectures on Sunday Nov. 14.(11/7)

Torkova, Pete Kougasian, Rich Marotta, and Todd Robbins appear at Monday Night Magic on Nov. 8 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(11/7)

Le Grand David Spectacular Magic Company, now in its 24th season performs every Sunday in November (except the 14th) at 3pm at the Cabot St. Cinema Theatre in Beverly, MA. Tickets are $15 for adults and $10 for children under 12. For more info and tickets call: 978-927-3677.(11/7)

NEW YORK: Mike Bornstein lectures on Tuesday Nov. 9 at 7:30pm for SAM #35 at the Central Hudson Gas & Electric Auditorium, Route 9, in Poughkeepsie. For more information phone: Harvey Berg (914-496-9019) or Don Deich (914-831-4200).(11/7)
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