MT: May 8-14, 2000

VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 861 / Monday – May 8, 2000 
Herb Zarrow has been announced as the Guest of Honor for the 31st annual Fechters Finger Flicking Frolic (F.F.F.F.) convention to be held on Apr. 25-28, 2001 in Batavia, NY. This is the first and best close-up magic convention in the world. Past honorees include: Eddie Fechter, Larry Jennings, Harry Lorayne, Johnny Thompson, Jerry Andrus, Paul Daniels, Tom Mullica, Derek Dingle, and many other notables in close-up magic. Zarrow will also give a lecture/demonstration/talk with a supporting cast of Jack Mintz, Ron Wohl, and Meir Yedid who will perform and explain many of his routines.(5/8)

Amos Levkovitch, Rafael Benatar, Steve Walker, Barry Govan, Brandon Scott, Kerry Pollock, Adam Williams, and Blake Maxam appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on May 8-14. Barry Govan lectures on Sunday May 14.(5/8)

MISSOURI: Danny Archer lectures on Thursday May 11 at 7:30pm for SAM Assembly #8 at the St. Louis Seniors Center (Sublette & Arsenal) in St. Louis. For more information phone Joe Hardin at: 618-281-8237.(5/8)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 862 / Tuesday – May 9, 2000 
A wonderful article about Chung Ling Soo’s March 23, 1918 performance appeared in the Daily Express. That was the show in which Soo died while performing his famous bullet catch. The article is a prelude to the opening of the British Magic Circle museum which will be presenting a Soo exhibit. There are also two TV documentaries about him in the works. “The audience would later learn [after the show] that it had just witnessed both the death of a legend and the end of a deception which had lasted for two decades [that he was a New Yorker named William Robinson and not Chinese].” Quoted in the article are Paul Daniels, Jack Delvin, and Soo’s grandson John Nye. There is also a plug for The Magic Circle Experience which is scheduled to open on Jun. 4 at The Centre for the Magic Arts in London. To read the May 6 article by Gerard Greaves titled “The bullet that the world’s greatest magician was meant to catch tore into his body” click: HERE.(5/9)

IOWA: The 63rd annual “Magic May-Nia” convention sponsored by IBM Ring #167 takes place on May 12-13 at the Starlite Village Best Western (929 3rd St.) in Des Moines. Performers include Michael Sibbernsen, Jerry Schnepp, Rick Fisher, and Jay Scott Berry. Registration is $60 per magician and $30 for family member. For more information phone Bill Trotter at: 515-276-7427.(5/9)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 863 / Wednesday – May 10, 2000 
Police captain/magician Alan Arita who performs 2-3 times a week and earns $400-1,500 per show is profiled in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. To read the May 8 article by Rod Ohira titled “HPD investigator makes magic in his spare time But he hasn’t figured out how to use his ‘powers’ to help him find stolen goods” click: HERE.(5/10)

CALIFORNIA: The 8th annual Convention At The Capital on May 12-14 at the Rancho Sheraton in Sacramento will feature an outstanding lineup of talent. Already booked are: Lennart Green, Johnny Thompson, Carl Cloutier, Michael Ammar, Martin Lewis, Darwin Ortiz, John Bannon, Michael Finney, Tony Clark, Whit Haydn, Mike Caveney, Christopher Hart, Gregory Wilson, Paul Wilson, Alfonso, Gary Kurtz, J.C. Wagner, Joshua Jay, and Todd Paul. Registration is $150 per person. For more information phone A-1 MagicalMedia at: 800-876-8437. To see the schedule of events click: HERE.(5/10)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 864 / Thursday – May 11, 2000 
Stan Kramien was in a very serious car accident on Sunday Apr. 30 at 9am when he was on his way to meet Johnny Thompson after the Northwest Magic Jamboree in Oregon. Apparently his car spun out of control hitting a small pickup head-on. Kramien who is 75-years old was airlifted by helicopter to the hospital. He sustained many injuries including a broken arm, leg, hip, and fractured skull. He has already had a hip replacement and is still in critical condition. Get well cards can be sent to: Stan R. Kramien c/o Legacy Emanuel Hospital, 2801 N. Gantenbein Ave, Portland, OR 97227.(5/11)

Steffan Soule’s Mysterian show at the Illusionz Magic Theatre in Issaquah, WA is reviewed in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. The verdict: “Soule is a familiar asset at the Seattle Children’s Theatre, where he designs special effects. It’s good to see him on his own.” To read the May 10 article by Joe Adcock titled “Magician scores bloodless coup with ‘Mysterian'” click: HERE.(5/11)

MICHIGAN: Michigan Magic Day 2000 hosted by IBM Ring #333 takes place on Saturday May 13 at Western Michigan University’s Shaw Theatre in Kalamazoo. Performers include: Gene Anderson, Stephen Bargatze, Bob Bloenk, Paul Cummins, Andy Dallas & Co., Roger Klause, Hank Moorehouse and Mike Powers. For more information contact the Timid Rabbit Magic shop: by phone 616-343-7777 or e-mail:
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 865 / Friday – May 12, 2000
David Copperfield was named as the Magician of the Millennium by the 21st FISM Congress. The award was announced on Mar. 5 by Luís de Matos and it will officially be given to Copperfield in an awards ceremony scheduled to take place in Lisbon, Portugal around June 15 when Copperfield will be presenting his Journey of a Lifetime show. For more information from FISM 2000 click: HERE.(5/12)

The Rugrats Magic Adventure is scheduled to open on Jun. 9 at Universal Studios Hollywood. The stage show is a collaboration between Universal Studios and Nickelodeon and promises, “world-class illusions, animated TV star-power and pure stage wizardry.” The show is based on the Angelica the Magnificent episode of the Rugrats cartoon series. Although they do not name the magic designer for the production they do give a resume which makes it sound like Jim Steinmeyer. To read the May 8 company press release click: HERE.(5/12)

The Larmor’s have been extended at the Nanjya Illusion Theater (Sun-shine Nanjya Town) Ikegukuro, Tokyo. For more information click: HERE.(5/12)

Lance Burton Inc. is suing ESCN Inc. for $12,000 at the Clark County District Court in Las Vegas. It seems that Lance Burton Inc. paid the electronic advertising company after canceling the contract and ESCN Inc. refused to return the money. To read the May 11 story in the Las Vegas Sun titled “Magician in dispute with sign company” click: HERE.(5/12)

JAPAN: The Napoleons perform at “Let’s Magic” by Magic Land on May 13-14 at the Ginza Shogekijo at Ginza, in Tokyo. For more information phone: 03-3666-4749.(5/12)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 866 / Saturday – May 13, 2000
Avner Eisenberg returns to Louisville, KY after a 22-year-absence to perform his new one-man show, Exceptions to Gravity, at the Actors Theatre of Louisville (316 W. Main St.). The show opened on Friday May 12 and will run through Jun. 4 at the Pamela Brown Auditorium. In a newspaper article Eisenberg repeated the advice he got from Clementi, his mentor about whether he should do a talking act or not, “…comedians who talk are compared to each other but …a silent comic is unique and must be judged on his own merit.” Tickets range from $16-30 and are available by phoning: 502-584-1205. To read the May 7, Courier-Journal, article by Judith Egerton titled “Mime speaks volumes without words” or for more information click: HERE.(5/13)

Andrew Brown who appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno is featured in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Mrs. Brown describes her sons interest in magic as, “…self-taught. He would tape shows on television and watch them in slow-motion. He’s obsessed. He sleeps with his cards, ropes and coins. His life is magic.” To read the May 10 article by Robin Seaton Jefferson titled “13-year-old will magically appear on late-night TV” click: HERE.(5/13)

PENNSYLVANIA: Convention cancelled: The 56th Annual May Magic Day presented by the Allentown Society of Magicians IBM Ring #32 which was scheduled for Saturday May 13 has been cancelled due to low pre-registration.(5/13)
VOLUME: 29 / ISSUE: 867 / Sunday – May 14, 2000
Cosmo Solano and his new magic shop, Trickshoppe, in Pueblo, Colorado is featured in The Pueblo Chieftain. The shop which has been open since January features a stage in the shape of a Persian tent in the back where Solano performs children’s shows. At one time Solano worked at Zeezo’s magic shop in the Pueblo Mall, owned a magic shop in Canon City, and in 1994 he opened Magic by Cosmo in Pasadena, CA. The shop is open six days a week from 10am-6pm. To read the May 12 article by Gail Pitts titled “How’d he do that?” click: HERE.(5/14)

Alain Nu, Harley Newman, Jeff Moche, and Todd Robbins appear at Monday Night Magic on May 15 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(5/14)

NEW JERSEY: Alain Nu lectures for IBM Ring #200 on Tuesday May16 at 7pm at the Christian Fellowship Church on Livingston Ave. in North Brunswick. The cost is $10 for non-members. For more information phone Frank Valenti at: 732-752-7736.(5/14)
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