MT: May 24-30, 1999

VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 511 / Monday – May 24, 1999
Bob Friedhoffer is featured in the April edition of the American Physical Society journal. The article titled “Teaching the Science Behind the Magic” discusses Friedhoffer’s recent appearance in Georgia where he was doing one of his popular science/magic shows where he performs magic which is accomplished through scientific principles and then teaches how the science is applied. Brian Schwartz is quoted, “Bob uses magic to capture the students’ imagination, but then shows them the basic principles behind the magic and how they can use these principles for similar demonstrations before parents, teachers and their peers.” To read the article click: HERE.(5/24)

R. Paul Wilson, Andrew Wimhurst, Amos Levkovitch, Handsome Jack, Alfie, Kerry Pollock, Michael Grandinetti, and Blake Maxam appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, on May 24-30. Andrew Wimhurst lectures on Sunday May 30.(5/24)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 512 / Tuesday – May 25, 1999
Eric Henning and Jonathan McCulloch were the winners at the “Magic Showcase” which took place on Saturday May 22 in Washington, DC. Jonathan Freeman received a special award. The event was sponsored by Stevens Magic Emporium, Collector’s Workshop and Al’s Magic Shop who displayed and demonstrated their wares during the day. Pete Biro was the lecturer.(5/25)

Table-side magicians Tim Visser, Robb Weinstock, and “Flash” Covington who “table-hop” in Phoenix, AZ restaurants were featured in the May 13 issue of The Arizona Republic. The column titled, “‘It’s about hospitality’: Diners served magic with meals” describes the art as, “This is sleight-of-hand, where the hand is quicker than the eye and the entertainment factor is no slight feat.” To read the column by Barbara Yost click: HERE.(5/25)

NEW JERSEY: Bob Fitch will be giving a special lecture on theatrical tools, actor as magician and other ways to improve your performance on Wednesday May 26 for SAM Assembly #168 at the United Methodist Church (903 South Beverwyck Road, Parsippany, NJ).(5/25)

MARYLAND: Pavel will be lecturing for the Yogi Magic Club of Baltimore on Wednesday May 26 at 7:30pm. Tickets range from $15-$20. For more information click: HERE.(5/25)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 513 / Wednesday – May 26, 1999
Eric Citron will be performing his comedy and magic show at the Westchester County Fair (Yonkers Raceway, Yonkers, NY) on Friday May 28 at 10pm, and again on Jun. 4 and 11 at 10pm. Citron plans on debuting his new illusion “Shrink Machine” where he turns his daughter into a doll. Citron was originally scheduled to do an upside-down straight jacket escape but due to insurance problems the racetrack cancelled the event.(5/26)

Penn & Teller on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno on Thursday May 27 at 11:35pm ET on NBC-TV (US).(5/26)

World’s Greatest Magic III with Bob Arno, Dirk Arthur, Nathan Burton, Brett Daniels, Michael Finney, Greg Frewin, Joseph Gabriel, Galina, Hans & Sittah, Guy Hollingworth, Peter Marvey, The Pendragon’s, Jean Piere Valerino, David Williamson, and Steve Wyrick reruns on Thursday May 27 at 7pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(5/26)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 514 / Thursday – May 27, 1999
David Blaine wins $25,000 at the new Hard Rock Hotel in Las Vegas. The May 25 issue of the New York Daily News reported that, “Elsewhere in the casino, magician David Blaine must have cast a spell on the blackjack table, where the card sharp won $25,000.”(5/27)

The Florida State Magic Convention will feature Topas, Roy Davenport, Kevin James, Daryl, Ben Cesar, Murray, Howard Hale, Mike Shelley, Fred Moore, Danny Tong, Christopher Broughton, Mike Grasso, The Invisible Man, Ali Shelly, Alan Chamo, Elaina & Rafael, and a special appearance by Tom Mullica as Red Skelton on May 28-30 at the Holiday Inn Plantation (954-472-5600) in Fort Lauderdale, FL. For more information phone: 305-596-9447 or e-mail:

Alain Nu will be performing “The Red Balloon” show and the rarely-seen Okito Floating Ball illusion in Magicomedy! on Friday May 28 at 7:30pm at Stephens Hall at Towson University in Maryland. The variety show which also features magician Robert Strong is a benefit for the MD Community Kitchen. Tickets are $10 each and are available by phoning: 410-830-2244 or through TicketMaster at: 410-481-SEAT.(5/27)

Rafael Benatar performs on Friday May 28 at midnight at the Croché (El Escorial). The restaurant is located 40 minutes outside of Madrid, Spain at c/San Lorenzo 12, San Lorenzo del Escorial.(5/27)

CANADA: Petrick & Mia lecture in Canada for the next few days: Kitchener on May 29, Toronto on May 30, and Montreal on May 31. For more information you may visit their website by clicking: HERE.(5/27)

A young magician on the “I Can Put On a Show” episode of Kidsongs on Friday May 28 at 3pm ET on WNET-TV (PBS-US). This show is syndicated and may appear at different times and channels — check local listings.(5/27)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 515 / Friday – May 28, 1999
Joseph Gabriel and Fr. Cyprian will be making a special appearance at Magic on Manhattan III this Saturday May 29 in New York City. The third annual event continues to give you more magic per hour than any other magic convention. This year you will get eight lectures, a close-up show, auction, contest, dealers and a stage show, all squeezed into a 12-hour day. Performers this year include: Carl Cloutier, Meir Yedid, Bob Fitch, David Oliver, Josh Jay, Robert Baxt, Ron Frost, Robin Chantawan, Rich Walker, Larry Males & Raven, Infantino, and Pete White. Bob Little is the guest of honor. The convention starts at 10am at The New Yorker Hotel (381 8th Ave. NYC). To register phone: 800-429-3433, for more information visit their website by clicking: HERE.(5/28)

Channing Pollock stars as Fletcher Cameron and performs magic in the “Seminole Territory” episode of Daniel Boone on Saturday May 29 at 1pm ET on TVLAND-TV (US-cable).(5/28)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 516 / Saturday – May 29, 1999
The Learning Channel is doing three one-hour TV specials called, “Now You See It – The Amazing Stories Behind Magic’s Greatest Illusions.” They are currently in production and are looking for some magicians who can take guide them through some key locations around the world (especially Russia, Ukraine, India, Austrailia, New Zealand, London, Japan, China, Malaysia, Germany, Paris, and Canada) where magic history was made or magic was created. The Producer/Director Jude Gerard Prest told MagicTimes, “…we do feel that we are working towards doing the definitive look at the origins of the world’s greatest illusions.” So if you have some information or great stories events etc. either in the US or abroad, they might be interested in your help. You may e-mail Mr. Prest at:

The Wizard Magic Shop has moved from the Los Arcos Mall in Scottsdale AZ to the Fiesta Mall (1445 W Southern Ave, Mesa AZ 85202). For more details you can phone them at: 480-649-5586.(5/29)
VOLUME: 17 / ISSUE: 517 / Sunday – May 30, 1999
Taking advantage of the MOM III convention talent, MNM producer Michael Chaut says, “It looks like this Monday will be the best Monday Night Magic ever.” Scheduled to appear are David Oliver, Robert Baxt, Steve Bedwell, Peter Samelson, Todd Robbins, and Jamy Ian Swiss check out Monday Night Magic on May 31 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(5/30)

“Breaking the Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 2″ on Monday May 31 at 8pm ET on FOX-TV (US).(5/30)
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