MT: June 22 – 28, 1998

VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 175 / Monday – June 22, 1998
“The Mystery School” has moved to Santa Barbara, CA on June 22-26. Eugene Burger, Jeff McBride, Robert E. Neale will be among the teachers. For info call: 914-679-7443.(6/22)

Appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, Jun. 22-28 are: Paul Green, Dylan Sardo, Larry Clark, Fitzgerald, Michael Grasso, Danny Cole, Franz Harary, and Trissia Baughman.(6/22)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 176 / Tuesday – June 23, 1998 
Penn and Teller appear in a 1985-86 episode of “Saturday Night Live” on Wednesday Jun. 24 at 11am and midnight ET on Comedy Central TV (US-cable).(6/23)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 177 / Wednesday – June 24, 1998
Shawn McMaster is performing two magic shows (2 and 3pm) at the Simi Valley Library in California on Wednesday June 24. For more info call: 526-1735.(6/24)

Jason Lutes’ comic book “Jar of Fools” which features Ernie Weiss, who meets Flosso the Magnificent, Houdini’s mentor, has been sold to Aurora Prods. by Jud Meyers — look for a movie and merchandising when this happens. To find out more, click: HERE.(6/24)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 178 / Thursday – June 25, 1998
“Matlock” episode titled, The Magician, has Matlock defending a magician accused of murder. Friday Jun. 26 at 11am ET on WWOR-TV (in NY — check local listings everywhere else).(6/25)

Tom Mullica told MagicTimes, “After seven years in Las Vegas, it’s finally MY TURN!” One month after Mullica opened his new show, “Red Skelton, A Tribute by Tom Mullica,” the Plaza Hotel in Las Vegas has decided to close their night show and replace it with the Skeleton Tribute. Starting Jul. 4 the show will run everyday (except Fridays) at 7 and 9pm. For tickets and information call the Plaza at: 702-386-2444.(6/25)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 179 / Friday – June 26, 1998
Lance Burton’s first TV special, “Lance Burton: Master Magician,” airs on Saturday Jun. 27 at 7pm ET on FAM-TV (US-cable).(6/26)

Maritess is scheduled to appear on the Mysteries of Memory episode of “Understanding” on Saturday Jun. 27 at 10pm ET on TMC-TV (US-cable).(6/26)

June 25 was the day Microsoft released Windows98. Although not a magic item — it affects more than 90% of MagicTimes readers. I decided to take the plunge — two out of the three computers which service MagicTimes are now running on Win98. Some things are better and faster, others are not. The installation was uneventful — which is great news. One disappointment are the three Microsoft IntelliMice I bought last year (for $270) are still not up to snuff — Win98 does not even recognize them as such. Allow yourself 2-3 hours to install Win98 and then uninstall the items you don’t need. Good luck.(6/26)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 180 / Saturday – June 27, 1998
“Art! Magic! The Mario Carrandi Collection: Selected Prints” is the name of an exhibit of magic posters from the 18th and 19th century. The exhibit runs from June 8 to July 25 at: The Lobby Gallery, Deutsche Bank, 31 West 52nd Street, New York City. For more info call: 212-333-4747 x223.(6/27)

Robert Austin will be appearing at the Cedar Rapids Freedom Festival on Sunday June 28 at 8:30-9:45pm. He will be performing on the giant Kirkwood Stage (Kirkwood Community College) while the show is projected on a Sony JumboTron for thousands to see. Other events include a Juggling Junk Show at 5:30pm and Hypnotist Chris Carter at 6:45-8:00pm. For more info click: HERE.(6/27)
VOLUME: 6 / ISSUE: 181 / Sunday – June 28, 1998
Hilary Chaplain, Rich Bloch, Simon Lovell, and Peter Kougasian appear at Monday Night Magic on Jun. 29 in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: (212) 307-4100.(6/28)

A magic themed episode of the “Brady Bunch” on Monday Jun. 29 at 9pm and Tuesday Jun. 30 at 3am ET on NIK-TV (US-cable).(6/28)

Marcus the Magician and Comus the Cape Cod Conjurer perform in “Magic by the Sea” at the Chatham Elementary School in Chatham, Cape Cod, MA. The show will run on Mondays at 7:30pm from Jun. 29-Aug. 31. For info call: 508-430-1305.(6/28)
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