MT: December 10-16, 2001

VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,442 / Monday – December 10, 2001
MASSACHUSETTS: Hank Lee has announced his lineup for the 14th annual Cape Cod Conclave to take place on Apr. 12-14, 2002 in Falmouth, MA. The all-star cast includes: Scott The Magician & Muriel, Goldfinger & Dove, Wayne Dobson, Jay Sankey, Amos Levkovitch, Eric DeCamps, Kenji Minemura, Robert Swadling, Gene Anderson, David Stone, Laurent Baretta, Majinx, Kerry Pollock, David Oliver, Todd Charles, Bob King, Thomas Fraps, and more to be announced. Registration is $125 per person and the convention usually sells out. For more information and registration phone: 617-482-8749 or click: HERE.(12/10)

Dale Salwak, Harry Monti, Allan Hayden, Rick Gerber, Ray Pierce, Mark Hendrickson, Matt Marcy, and Jeanine Anderson appear at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles on Dec. 10-16.(12/10)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,443 / Tuesday – December 11, 2001
Lance Burton’s show is reviewed in the Los Angeles Times where his strength is described, “The big illusions are amazing and smartly done. But Burton’s strongest appeal is his folksy wit, his ability to communicate directly with his audience–a skill that can’t be taught.” Guesting in the show is The Great Tomsoni & Co. who are described as, “(The ‘company’ is a hilariously gum-popping assistant, the antithesis of the pretty-girl norm.) The ‘Wizard of Warsaw,’ by way of Chicago, Tomsoni is a broadly comic entertainer.” To read the Dec. 10 review by F. Kathleen Foley titled “Lance Burton’s Loving Homage to Craft of Magic” click: HERE.(12/11)

The Carter Beats the Devil audiobook is recommended in the NY Post where they describe it, “Read by Stanley Tucci, this intriguing romance/mystery about Carter the Great, a magician in the 1920s suspected of killing President Warren G. Harding, is wry, fast moving and rich in historical detail.” To read the Dec. 9 article by Rochelle O’Gorman titled “Appealing Drive-Time Companions” click: HERE.(12/11)
–To buy the audio book for $20.96 click: HERE.

VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,444 / Wednesday – December 12, 2001
Marc Salem’s “Mind Games, Too” is reviewed in the New York Times where the show is described as, “Mr. Salem’s audience interaction, filled with dextrous wit that produces constant laughter amid the amazement, helps make ‘Mind Games, Too’ a prime destination for holiday fun seekers.” The review also describes many of the routines in the current show and points out that, “his blend of mental mystery and swift humor makes for delightful family entertainment.” To read the Dec. 11 review by Lawrence Van Gelder titled “A Mind Reader Returns, Telling Secrets and Serial Numbers” click: HERE. The site is by subscription only.(12/12)

Penn & Teller’s upcoming stint as narrators of the Rocky Horror Show is reported in the New York Post where they point out that they “…will either set a fire or enter a cage of live rats in Act 2. Depends what the Fire Commish allows…” To read the Dec. 11 Cindy Adams column click: HERE.(12/12)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,445 / Thursday – December 13, 2001
Uri Geller in The Observer where the writer thinks out loud about what she sees, “If it’s a trick, I can’t see it. But then I can’t ever see conjuring tricks either, even when they’re explained to me. And nowadays he utters rather heavy legal threats against anyone who calls him a conjuror or a trickster or a fraud.” The article is actually an excellent piece, which tries to explain who Geller really is. You will find a very good biography of Geller’s childhood and insight into the type of person he is and the type of life he leads. There is also an implication that Geller is no longer the financial success he once was and is trying to downsize his home and expenses. The article coincides with Geller’s new book “Unorthodox Encounters” which was released last month in the UK. To read the Dec. 9 article by Lynn Barber titled “The magic touch” click: HERE.(12/13)

Jeff Van Gundy who just resigned as the New York Knicks coach maybe taking up magic. A New York Post article described a recent performance, “Last month, in the locker room before a shootaround in Charlotte, Van Gundy performed a sleight-of-hand trick with cups, similar to three-card monte.” To read the Dec. 12 article by Marc Berman titled “VG: Time Now On My Side” click: HERE.(12/13)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,446 / Friday – December 14, 2001
Criss Angel’s “Mindfreak” is reviewed in the New York Post where they call it, “It’s good entertainment for the whole family, and tickets are just $15 to $55.” Describing the show they point out that “Even the age-old tricks he does are dressed up — with pyrotechnics, a rock beat and pacing for the MTV generation — so that the show is fresh, seamless and filled with surprises.” Working almost in the round the reviewer points out, “It is one thing to watch a magician on television, where you never really believe what you see anyway. It is quite another to be seated at a table, enjoying a drink, when a fellow – standing so close that you can almost touch him – stretches a hand in your direction and, suddenly, live doves materialize at his fingertips.” To read the Dec. 13 review by Chip Deffaa titled “Angel’s Magical Show Devilishly Clever” click: HERE.(12/14)

Penn & Teller will host the Travel Channel’s “Vegas Week” nightly on Jan. 13-19, 2002 at 8-11pm. A Lance Burton interview will appear in the “Las Vegas Celebrity Secrets” on Jan. 18 at 10pm. To read the Dec. 13 Press Wire titled “Penn & Teller Make Special Appearance As Hosts of Travel Channel’s VEGAS WEEK, January 13-19, 2002” click: HERE.(12/14)

“Mindfreak” is reviewed in the Associated Press where a less than enthusiastic review concludes, “‘Mindfreak’ may do good business in a place where part of the game is the hype itself.” To read the Dec. 13 review by Mark Evans titled “‘Mindfreak’: A High-Tech Magic Show” click: HERE.(12/14)

Michael McCoy will escape from “a sealed crate from the river Liffey” according to The Belfast News Letter. He will also perform at Dublin’s Olympia Theatre. To read the Dec. 13 article titled “Houdini-style danger another magic moment” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(12/14)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,447 / Saturday – December 15, 2001
Siegfried & Roy in this week’s Las Vegas Showbiz where they showoff their animals and Roy recounts the time he bit a tiger’s nose. The article points out that “Siegfried & Roy have worked miracles to bring the Royal White Tiger and Magical White Lion back from the brink of extinction.” Roy talks about some of his encounters with the animals and discusses the difference between lions and tigers, “A lion is tough. A tiger is very versatile, very flexible, also forgiving. When you have a confrontation with him, he is a lot quicker to forgive whatever the situation is than the lion. The lion forgets nothing, and he will make sure you understand that.” To read the Dec. 16-22 article titled “Siegfried & Roy Law of the Jungle” click: HERE.(12/15)

David Blaine gossip in the Scottish Daily Record has him “…trying to make himself invisible as he shared a cab from London nightclub The Stork Rooms back to his hotel with two mystery girls.” To read the Dec. 15 article titled “Vanishing Acts” click: HERE.(12/15)
VOLUME: 48 / ISSUE: 1,448 / Sunday – December 16, 2001
Darren Romeo might be launching his new Vegas show, tentatively titled “Siegfried & Roy Present Darren Romeo,” as early as February according to a Las Vegas Sun article which quotes Romeo “Yes, we are in intensive rehearsals… And let’s just say that when Siegfried & Roy are committed to something, they do it.” The article also reported on Siegfried & Roy’s involvement in the show, “The illusionists are said to be playing a very active role in their protege’s production — both attend every rehearsal and amend or revise each scene. Siegfried even canceled his annual December vacation plans to be with Romeo while the finishing touches are completed.” To read the Dec. 14 article by Kate Maddox titled “S&R make a Darren move” click: HERE.(12/16)

Criss Angel just taped the Howard Stern show which will air on E!-TV on January 14, 2002. It appears that Stern loved the “Mindfreak” show calling Angel, “you’re the best I’ve ever seen” and “Amazing Illusionist.”(12/16)

Marvin Berglas is called a “magic mogul” in an article in The Observer which tries to find out who “can conjure gold from the trend” of the Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings type of movies and books. It seems that Marvin’s Magic will be expanding next year into running a school for magicians, or as Berglas described it, “It’s no different to a drama school or a dance school really… There’ll be a curriculum, which will go through lots of things from the history of magic to the technical secrets to the presentational side of things. We aim to start teaching children as young as five.” To read the Dec. 15 article titled “Tricks of the trade” supplied by Infoseek and YellowBrix click: HERE.(12/16)

Puck, Frank Brents, and Denny Haney appear at Monday Night Magic on Dec. 17 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets phone Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(12/16)
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