MT: April 6 – 12, 1998

VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 98 / Monday – April 6, 1998
MagicTimes website crashes Apr.3-5 while staff is out of town. Updates were still made but access was denied to our readers. Precautions are being taken to never let this happen again.(4/6)

Appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, Apr. 6 – 12 are: Len Reid, Lou Serrano, Mark Edward, Joe Monti, Mike Caveney, Tina Lenert.(4/6)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 99 / Tuesday – April 7, 1998 
Marc Salem’s Movie Mindgames, a series of movie related mindbenders, shown on movie screens in 1,100 theatres has begun this week. These are trailers shown before the featured film begins. They can be primarily seen at the Sony and Loews theater chains with more theaters to follow.(4/7)

Carl Ballantine acts as a down-and-out magician on Night Court, Tuesday, Apr. 7, 1:30pm ET on LIF-TV (US-cable).(4/7)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 100 / Wednesday – April 8, 1998
The Amazing Randi will lecture on “ESP and Powers of the Mind” at Nova Southeastern University on Wednesday, Apr. 8 at 7:30pm. The event is free and open to the public at NSU, Health Professions Division, 3200 S. University Dr., Fort Lauderdale, Florida. For more info. call Darcy Mechling (954) 262-5350.(4/8)

The Mad Magician starring Vincent Price as a magician, airs on Wednesday, Apr. 8 at 2:15am on AMC-TV (US-cable).(4/8)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 101 / Thursday – April 9, 1998
Sad to report that Irving Tannen, former owner of Tannen’s Magic and brother of Lou Tannen suffered a mild heart attack on Sunday Apr. 5. He is resting comfortably at the Columbia Northwest Regional Medical Center in Margate, FL. Cards can be sent to his home at: Irving Tannen, 1605 Abaco Dr., Coconut Creek, FL 33066.(4/9)

Marc Salem appears on “Live with Regis & Kathie Lee” on Friday Apr. 10 at 9am EST on ABC-TV (US).(4/9)

David Copperfield appears on the Gala for the President on ABC-TV (US), Thursday, Apr. 9 at 10pm ET. Copperfield will be assisted on stage by Mrs. Clinton on the show which was taped on Feb. 8 at the historic Ford Theatre.(4/9)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 102 / Friday – April 10, 1998
The rumors are true: This year’s World Magic Summit VI, in Washington, DC, will be the last. The reason given is that the previous five conventions have lost money. Juliana Chen, Jeff Hobson, Mark Kalin and Jinger have just been added to the all-star line-up. May 21-24, for info call: 800-219-2200.(4/10)
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 103 / Saturday – April 11, 1998
“MagicTalk — The Official Discussion Group for Magicians!,” moderated Bryan Dean Toder, is open to all magicians. It is dedicated to the discussion of magic, exposure, lectures, seminars, etc. with no secrets allowed. MagicTalk gets thousands of visitors from all over the world and tries to present the world of magic in a positive light. You can visit MagicTalk by going to:
VOLUME: 4 / ISSUE: 104 / Sunday – April 12, 1998
A direct to video film, “Magic 4 Morons,” starts taping at Universal Studios Florida on Apr. 13. The film will feature magician Tim Scarbrough who goes under the name of Lyndel and sound effects comedian Michael Winslow. “Magic 4 Morons” will feature 10 simple magic tricks that any ‘moron’ can perform at home which will be taught by Lyndel and about a dozen comedic scenes involving Winslow, Lyndel, and other cast members. Produced by The Pamplin – Fisher Company.(4/12)
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