(1000 Magicians coming to town)
Source: Society Of American Magicians
The Society of American Magicians will hold it’s National Convention in Milwaukee at the Midwest Express Center and at the Hyatt Regency Hotel during the week of June 21-24. Over one thousand magicians, their families, birds, flowers, rabbits and silk scarves will make Milwaukee a Magic City.
Events at the Convention include shows, lectures, dealers, contests and business meetings. Four different evening shows will feature comedy, magic illusions and family entertainment and will be open to the public each evening.
Performers from around the world bring their talent & skills to the events at the Pabst Theater (Prices $25.00-$15.00 and $5.00 for the gallery). Tickets at the box office: (414-286-3663).
The Thursday (June 22) evening show is a “People’s Choice” contest with the winner to be chosen by the audience.
In addition to the evening shows, local Milwaukee magicians of the Society’s #61 Assembly will perform “Lunchtime Magic” at the Grand Avenue Mall every afternoon Thursday through Saturday at Noon and again at 12:30 PM (admission free).
His honor Mayor John Norquist will officially proclaim the “week” at the Pabst Theater, Wednesday June 21 at 11:45am. Magician Bob Bohm will be on hand with his version of the classic “Sawing in Half” illusion (Photographers welcome).
The Society’s favorite son Harry Houdini spent his teen years as a resident of Milwaukee. He is said to have performed at the Crystal Theater on North Second Street. The organization honors its local group celebrating its 45th year as part of the Society.
The S.A.M. as it is known to magicians, began in New York in 1902 and is the oldest magician’s society in the United States. The Society membership exceeds 8000 in the U.S. and around the world. An additional 1500 Young Members between ages of 7 and 17 are encouraged to consider magic as a hobby building self confidence and social skills.
More magic can be seen nightly at the Safe House “Magic Bar” at the river each evening Sunday thru Thursday.
Society of American Magicians
1735 East 26 Street
Brooklyn, NY 11229
http:\\www.magicsam.com (Press Wire).