Source: Meir Yedid Magic

A big hit and a sell-out at the recent NEMCON convention, this new routine is one you will carry with you and use. It is always ready, very visual, examinable at the end, and is easy to do.

Mark K. Young
Amazing Jumping Arrow

The Amazing Jumping Arrow is destined to become a classic.

Crafted from aluminum specifically for this effect, then anodized and engraved, this elegant prop produces a beautiful routine in which a variety of amazing, amusing visual effects take place — each more incredible than the last.  Best of all, the paddle can be handed out for examination at the routine’s conclusion!

You start off with a paddle blank on both sides…then an arrow (engraved and highlighted) appears on one end.  The arrow moves to the middle, then to the far end.  It’s shaken from spot to spot, then slid.  It multiplies, and even jumps about on its own volition.  In one wild sequence, the arrows on the paddle refuse to cooperate and apparently lead one another from place to place!  Finally, an arrow is visibly split in two and the paddle is handed out for examination.The Amazing Jumping paddle is easy to do and produces not one moment of magic…or two…or three, but a symphony of entertaining eyeball-poppers that will make this trick one you will carry with you — always.

For more information visit:

Meir Yedid Magic
P.O. Box 2566
Fair Lawn, NJ 07410
Phone: 201-703-1171

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