11-Monster Muses


#11 – Monster Muses [5/30/1996]

The cartoon above was drawn by Morgan and originally submitted to M A G I C. They rejected it — I thought it was hysterical and so did Jeff McBride so here it is in color. By the way, for all the readers of M A G I C who see Morgan’s monthly cartoons and were wondering what she looks like, here is an exclusive photo. I hope to have other “Grand Delusions by Morgan” in future columns.

If you saw Harry Anderson’s new magic TV special the other day you may have noticed the bill change he used to open his show. It’s the same routine he used to open the stage show at the World Magic Summit last week. On Tuesday the 28th Anderson did 26 TV interviews (mostly live) to promote the special. The interviews were done by satellite and were completed in two hours! The only trick he used on these interviews was his new handling for the flash bill transformation. It is quick, easy, and resets in seconds.

If the above sounds like an ad, maybe it is. The good news is that Anderson has agreed to release this terrific new item to the magic fraternity. In a few months I will be producing this great item. Keep reading this column and you will be the first to find out about it.

Well that’s the address. For the past few months I have been working on my website and it is finally on line. Please visit and let me know what you like and don’t like about it. I will be continually updating it until all of the items I manufacture are available on line. About 40 of them are available now. If you are still using AOL’s web browser I apologize for the look of the cover page. The rest of you will be looking at it the way I designed it. If you want to visit my site just click on my logo and it will transfer you there.

Since I layout Harry Lorayne’s Apocalypse I am the first to know what goes into each issue. Now you can have that same information. The July 1996 issue contains: Dan Block’s One-Card Poker (Cards), Doug Edwards’ “Pancake” Handling (Cards), David Regal’s Ultimate Cut/Restored Bill (Bills), Tony Miller’s Poke Salad (Cards), Gerald Deutsch’s As Should You (Bills), Michael DeMarco’s Revolving Predaceous Mates II (Cards), Barry Stevenson’s Casual Force (Cards) and John W. McClure’s The Double-Cross Switch (C

Here is where I will be. Come by and say hi.
June 1 – Have booth at Magi-Conn. in Waterbury, Connecticut.
June 3 – Performing at The Udder Club @ Holy Cow, New York City.
June 11 – Lecturing in Toledo, Ohio.
June 12 – Lecturing in Columbus, Ohio.
June 13 – Lecturing in Louisville, Kentucky.
June 17 – Performing at The Udder Club @ Holy Cow, New York City.

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