Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,240
October 5, 2024
Another Kreskin book from his archives this week but unlike all the others this is one is a fun and lighthearted read where he reveals the adventures and mishaps throughout his life and career. It also includes a graphic novel type feel due to the artwork and many color photographs.
As promised, Doc Eason’s autographed books are back in stock. You can read what I originally wrote about it: HERE. It was also featured in this month’s GENII magazine and reviewed in last month’s issue.
►The Adventures Of The Amazing Kreskin:
This is a fun book that is an easy read. It reads like a superhero origin story, memoire, and graphic novel, with some lighthearted adventures that Kreskin experienced throughout his career.
As described from the back cover: “With a showman’s flair, a comedian’s wit, and the capacities of a bona fide Mentalist or thought reader, The Amazing Kreskin has, for six decades, dramatized the unique facets of the human mind. His very name has become an integral part of the pop culture lexicon throughout the world.”
Watch and buy: HERE
Wanted to remind you that the introductory price of George Schindler’s Coin In The Ring download will expire on Tuesday.
►Coin In The Ring:
This is a coin routine that George Schindler has been performing, walk-around, formal close-up, and even in parlor and stage settings.
It is a simple routine that always gets great reactions from lay people because it is impossible.
The basic routine involves a borrowed bill and a borrowed finger ring. The bill is rolled into a tube and inserted into the finger ring.
A coin is shown and mysteriously vanishes. It is then amazingly found inside the rolled-up bill that has been inside the finger ring that has been held down by a spectator.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Cocktails & Doc Tales:
Sometimes you learn more about magic, being a magician, and get inspired about the magic you do by reading memoirs of successful magicians. There are very few good ones around. Doc Eason’s new book is an exceptional, entertaining, and fast read that will make you want to be a magician.
Doc explains why he decided to write the book, “Looking back over some forty-five years and thousands of shows, the details of what tricks I did may have faded, but what remains are warm feelings of camaraderie, laughter, amazement, life-long connections, and turning moments into memories. This book is full of those serendipitous moments that have most influenced my path and brought me to where I am today.”
Get a copy: HERE
I published and partially wrote Simon Lovell’s Second To None book which many magicians praise for its excellent way of teaching on how to perform a second deal. It sells out several times a year (I only get small runs each time, not getting rich here!). I just received another case.
►Second To None:
If you ever wanted to learn how to deal the second card in the deck while making it look like you are dealing the top card–this is your best opportunity.
Follow Simon Lovell as he takes you step-by-step through the art of the second deal. He discusses more nuances, subtleties and variations than you probably ever knew existed. He doesn’t sugarcoat the work but gives you all the tools you need to master this powerful sleight. But, he doesn’t stop there. Once you begin mastering the second deal you are treated to some routines which you can practice. And as a finale Simon discusses some of the second deal’s more nefarious uses.
Get a copy: HERE
►OCTOBER 6: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
►NOVEMBER 1: Halloween Magic Review in NY. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: My monthly appearance at the Mohegan Sun Casino is tomorrow. Hope to see some of you there. Direct ticket link: HERE
“I have said many times that although my work as a mentalist is for entertainment, I firmly believe the mind and the spirit are powerful forces. You can harness these forces for good and help you live a more fulfilling life, one in service to others.”
…Kreskin (The Adventures Of The Amazing Kreskin, 2020)