Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,233
September 11, 2024
As I expected, the Cointemplate routine I introduced you to in the last newsletter sold-out very quickly. There are a bunch more that are partially done, that I hope to have ready in 1-2 weeks.
Below you will find the second volume of Dan Garrett’s Closeup Connivery Lecture Notes. When I acquired the rights and inventory to Dan’s magic, I received a case of volume twos and only one copy of volume one. I will eventually release volume one as a download, but until then you can get an original copy of volume two.
►Closeup Connivery Lecture Notes #2:
The second set of lecture notes in the series features close-up routines by Dan and his friends. You will learn magic with safety pins, playing cards, fingerprints, ESP cards, and other recognizable items.
Routines include: Pin-Demonium (Dan Garrett, Han Van Senus), O.H.S. Card Change! (Dan Garrett), Thinkerprint (Michael Weber), Four Card Reiteration (David Williamson, Dan Garrett), Hand Sandwich (Dan Garrett), Rackjobber (Max Maven), The Lateral Palm (Jim Steranko), Flabbergasting Signed Card To Pocket (Dan Garrett), and The Fickle Fingers Of Fong-Chur (Charles J. Pecor).
Get a copy: HERE
It is an impossible routine that can be performed as a stand-alone piece or as part of a longer coin set.
The basic routine involves two coins. A Kennedy Half Dollar, a copper English Penny and a see-through glass plate.
Your friend holds the glass plate between their hands as you balance the two coins on your fingertips. You place your hand with the coins under the plate so all can be seen. In an instant one of the coins penetrates the plate so there is only one coin under the plate while the other is sitting on top of the plate.
Watch and buy: HERE
Got more of these. They are foolers that card magicians like and mentalists love.
►Zodiac Coin:
This is an excellent and self-working routine where you apparently read a spectator’s mind by telling them what Zodiac symbol they are thinking of and predict what card they were going to select.
The basic routine (without the procedure) is of having a spectator think of a Zodiac symbol and its number. You then reveal the symbol and show that you predicted the card at the thought-of number.
Watch and buy: HERE
►OCTOBER 6: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: The Holesome Coins will be introduced in the next Newsletter. If you purchased one of those from me at Magic Live, email me for a new tutorial I made that will teach my routine.
“I remind you again to force yourself to practice angles in a mirror, because the angles will be terrible from the performer’s point of view. You will tend to want to correct the angle to yourself in performance, but you must learn to trust your memory of the proper position you learned in the mirror.”
…Dan Garrett (Closeup Connivery Lecture Notes #2, 1988)