Source: Gregg Webb.
“FEEN-X is breaking new ground with many off-trail ideas. You owe it to yourself to subscribe to FEEN-X 2001.”
Having completed the first year of his newsletter, Gregg Webb has decided to continue, launching FEEN-X 2001. Usually consisting of three routines, one each for cards, coins, and mentalism, and an opinion column, but with some variation in format to allow for an occasional prop not of the above categories FEEN-X is attempting to explore original thinking and attempting to avoid the trend in magic of so many clones, or clones with only minor handling variations, appearing.
Gregg Webb is trying to explain new dodges, new methods, new presentations, new plots, as well as an occasional handling variation. Those who subscribe by Jan.1, 2001, will only pay $25.00 for twelve issues. Those later, $30.00.
Make checks payable and addressed to:
Gregg Webb
28-32 208th St.
Bayside, NY 11360