MT: May 25 – 31, 1998

VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 147 / Monday – May 25, 1998
Blackstone, Jr. appears on “Reading Rainbow” on Tuesday May 26 on PBS-TV (US). Check local listings for times (2:30pm ET in NYC).(5/25)

Appearing at the Magic Castle in Los Angeles, May 25-31 are: Fenik, Joycee Beck, Jason Tong, Loren C. Michaels, Jonathan Neal, Mystina, Garin Bader, Bob Stone.(5/25)
VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 148 / Tuesday – May 26, 1998 
Magician-comedian Thomas A. Nixon stars in “Bamboozles of the Barbary Coast,” a one man show about the early days of San Francisco. Fridays and Saturdays 8 p.m., Sundays 3 p.m. at the Shelton Theater, 533 Sutter St. in San Francisco, CA Tickets are $29-$58 for more info call: (415) 646-0984.(5/26)
VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 149 / Wednesday – May 27, 1998
“Eric DeCamps in Concert” is a one night only, one-man show in N.Y.C. in conjunction with Magic On Manhattan. The show will take place on Friday June 5 at 9pm at the Hotel New Yorker (481 Eighth Ave). For tickets ($15 each) and reservations call: 516-483-9610.(5/27)

Michel Clavello, co-owner of Vernet Magic in Argentina, will be making a rare New York appearance with his “Invisible Hand Lecture.” Which has gotten raves from all who have seen it. Sponsored by the Grumman Magic Club, held at Northrop Grumman, Building 5, (off south Oyster bay road, near Rt. 107) in Hicksville LI, NY. All magicians welcome, $10 for non-members, $5 for members.(5/27)
VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 150 / Thursday – May 28, 1998
“Rough Magic,” a movie released last year to mediocre reviews, starring Bridget Fonda as a magician’s assistant who fled to Mexico after witnessing a murder, airs on Friday May 29 at 8pm ET on MAX-TV(US-cable).(5/28)
VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 151 / Friday – May 29, 1998
A new magic organization was formed on May 18. The World Alliance of Magicians (WAM). “WAM’s sole reason to exist is to stop the mass public exposure of the tools of our trade and to enhance the magician’s image in the eyes of the public.” The June issue of MagicTimes will give you all the details, contact information, officers and advisors of WAM.(5/29)
VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 152 / Saturday – May 30, 1998
Mark Salem’s Mind Games will close on Sunday May 31. The 7pm show will be his 236 in the past eight months. If you haven’t seen it, this is your last chance (3 shows Saturday, 2 shows Sunday). It is at the Westside Theatre in NYC. For tickets call Tele-Charge at: 212-239-6200. Although not official, the show is scheduled to open in several cities around the U.S. Once the dates are finalized you will read about them here first.(5/30)

Bob Little’s Super Sunday takes place at The Warrington (Route 611, Easton Road in Warrington, PA) on Sunday May 31. Special Guest Star will be George Schindler. For more info call Bob at: 215-672-3344.(5/30)

“World’s Greatest Magic I” featuring the Pendragons, Max Maven, Franz Harary, Princess Tenko, Topas, and Brett Daniels on Sunday May 31 at 5pm ET on FAM-TV(US-cable).(5/30)
VOLUME: 5 / ISSUE: 153 / Sunday – May 31, 1998
Muhammad Ali performed magic at the fund-raising luncheon for Parkinson’s disease in Pittsburgh, PA on May 18. He reportedly “waved a purple silk scarf and made it disappear in his hand. “Do you see it?” Ali mumbled to the small crowd, barely moving his lips. He waved his hands again, and the scarf reappeared.”(5/31)

“Wizards Of Odd” is an article by Chris Jones which appeared in the May 29 issue of the Chicago Tribune. The article is about Penn & Teller with Teller quoted as saying, “I think it is interesting, to try and lie without speaking.” You can read the article by clicking HERE.(5/31)
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