MT: January 1-2, 2000

VOLUME: 25 / ISSUE: 733 / Saturday – January 1, 2000
Stuart Kaplan who is the owner of U.S. Games Systems is featured in the December, 1999 issue of The Costco Connection. The focus of the article by Carlene Canton is The Stuart and Marilyn R. Kaplan Collection which contains more than 1,600 card games, 700+ decks of cards, 200+ versions of Authors, 800+ tarot decks, and much more. Our loyal followers may remember that our first appearance on the Web was in Richard Robinson’s Magic Show where our Muses column dated 1/2/96 and was written in 1995, featured the Kaplan collection which was then being exhibited at the Bruce Museum in Connecticut. Portions of that collection are scheduled to be displayed in October, 2000 at the Bruce Museum and the Stamford Museum and Nature Center.(1/1)

PENNSYLVANIA: Rich Marotta lectures on Wednesday Jan. 5 at 8pm for Marc DeSouza in Gulf Mills. There will also be a special workshop at 6:30pm. For more information phone: 610-941-4132 or 6l0-668-9300.(1/1)

Penn & Teller perform in the South Shore Room at Harrah’s Lake Tahoe on Saturday Jan. 1at 9pm. Tickets are available for $39.50 each by phoning 1-800-427-7247. For more information click: HERE.(1/1)

Saturday, Jan. 1
Ricky Jay in House of Games (1987) on Saturday Jan. 1 at 10:30pm and Jan. 2 at 3am ET on BRAV-TV (US-cable).(12/31)
Penn & Teller’s voices are used in the animated movie Light Years (1988) on Saturday Jan. 1at 3am ET on STARZ-TV (US-cable). (12/31)
Breaking the Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 3 on Saturday Jan. 1 at 8pm ET on FOX-TV (US). (12/31)
Breaking the Magician’s Code: Magic’s Biggest Secrets Finally Revealed 4 on Saturday Jan. 1 at 9pm ET on FOX-TV (US). (12/31)
A girl falls in love with a magician on Lili (1953) on Saturday Jan. 1 at 9:30pm and Jan. 2 at 6:30pm ET on WNET-TV (US-PBS) and Jan. 5 at 9:30am ET on TCM-TV (US-cable).(12/31, 1/3)
VOLUME: 25 / ISSUE: 734 / Sunday – January 2, 2000
David P. Abbott who invented the Talking Teakettle was voted the most underrated Omahan in the American Heritage magazine. Teller wrote of Abbott as “…a portly, rubicund Omaha businessman who in his spare time investigated the tricks of ‘spirit mediums’ and became an exceptional amateur conjurer.” Teller continues, “…he baffled them all, including some of the canniest magicians who ever lived: Blackstone, Thurston and Kellar.” Abbott’s headstone reads “Here lies David P. Abbott, Scientist and World Famous Magician.” To read the Dec. 23 article from the Omaha World-Herald supplied by NewsReal click: HERE.(1/2)

David Blaine appeared on ABC’s New Year’s Eve coverage swallowing a thread and then pulling it out of his stomach.(1/2)

The Majestics, Earl Nelson, and George Tovar appear at Caesars Magical Empire this month. The Majestics  perform Jan. 11-Feb. 5, Nelson appears through Dec. 5, and Tovar Jan. 4-Feb. 5.(1/2)

Will Shaw, Robert Baxt, Jamy Ian Swiss, Rocco, and Todd Robbins appear at Monday Night Magic on Jan. 3 at 8pm in NYC. For tickets call Ticketmaster at: 212-307-4100.(1/2)

Sunday, Jan. 2
Ricky Jay in House of Games -See 1/1.(1/1)
Lili (1953) – See 1/1.(1/1)
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