Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,172
January 24, 2024
Many years ago, I released my Zinger which sold out several times. Then when the US Quarters were redesigned, it gave me the opportunity to do the same routine but this time the gimmick was examinable. The Zinger Pro method was so devious that it was better than the routine I teach with it.
It has been out of stock for years, but Ted Bogusta just made me fifty more gimmicked coins. I am proud of the method, so I am going to explain how it works. What I wanted was an examinable organic object that gave you three outs. In this case it had to predict which of three coins a spectator was going to choose.
You start with a Quarter and any two other coins. They must have different dates that will match the gimmick.
So now for the gimmicked Quarter that will devilishly have all three outs. You see, the older quarters had the dates on the head side and the new Quarters have the date on the tail side. So, what we did was create gimmicked coins with an old head on one side and a new tail on the other. So, the coin has a different date on each side. The coin is now fully examinable and looks like the real thing… because it is!
The gimmick is in your fist. If they pick the quarter, you open your hand and show you predicted the Quarter. If they pick one of the other coins you show that the date on your quarter matches the date on the selected coin.
When I first started doing this, I realized that it was a great way to practice forcing the Quarter which was the best out.
►Zinger Pro:
A quick, simple and direct prediction using a handful of coins.
Three coins are placed on the table or in a spectator’s hand and a prediction coin is placed in your fist. A spectator freely selects any of the three coins. When you open your fist the prediction coin matches.
No extra coins, no switches, no forces. You will love performing this and will carry it with you.
Watch and buy: HERE
This is one of Michael’s favorite creations because it always puts a smile on peoples’ faces.
You start by explaining that there is an old expression that “people wear their emotions on their sleeve”, but magicians wear their emotions on their coins!
You draw a sad face on the face of a half dollar and then… to make the coin feel better you tickle the coin, and it begins smiling when the sad face changes to a happy one! Another tickle, and the coin changes to a yellow smiley face! One last tickle, and the smiley face becomes a big smiley face, bringing a big smile to everyone.
Watch and buy: HERE
Below you will find two best selling books and one of the best Diminishing Cards routines. They just came in and I am already running out.
John Bannon brings his devious card magic talents to bear on mentalism and mental magic with playing cards. John is known for constructing layered, easy-to-do effects with playing cards. These routines are no exception.
Despite this particular focus, Mentalissimo is aimed at mentalists and magicians, amateurs and professionals, who like finely-crafted, practical, and commercial demonstrations of psychic phenomena.
Get a copy: HERE
►Dusheck’s Diminishing Cards:
This is one of Steve Dusheck’s favorite creations and one of the routines he always performed. He partnered with Steve Shufton to create this improved version of his Diminishing Cards.
Here are some of the features of this unique set: Can be performed close-up or on stage, the cards grow back at the end, any back design possible, instant reset, faces match most popular brands, cards stay in same order as they shrink, and it is self-contained.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sleightly Absurd:
Sleightly Absurd is a journey through the mind of a mastermind–Charlie Frye. Within its pages, you’ll find a slew of the secrets he has developed, refined, and performed over some four decades on six continents, as a professional entertainer on stages the world over.
You will learn the ins, outs, and inside outs of more than fifty fantastic feats, each mined from the mind of this peerless prestidigitator.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Brain Bogglers:
For many years Meir Yedid has been opening his stage, parlor, and formal close-up shows with a series of three optical illusions/brain twisters where he explains how magic works. The premise is that we tell you the truth, but your brain lies to you.
The three optical illusions/brain twisters are the standard Word Skipping Illusion, Cornsweet Illusion, and Thatcher illusion, although they have been modified to optimize the live presentations and make them more interesting.
Watch and buy: HERE
►eBay Update:
I have not added much to my eBay store in many months. Spent hours loading up the auction section with many products that will be expiring on Sunday.
►Direct link to auctions: HERE
►Direct link to the MyMagic eBay store: HERE
►Sunday Feb 18: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: If you are worried that Zinger Pro is for US customers only…remember that the other two coins can be from any country so you can start with a three-coin collection from your travels.
“Audiences today ‘go for’ the mental type of trickery more than ever. It is more of a ‘grown up’ phase of magic and mystery.”
…Theo Annemann (Practical Mental Magic, 1944)