Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,194
April 17, 2024
Steve Shufton just released a new booklet with some gaffed cards that has gotten some wonderful endorsements. It uses my favorite combination of methods. The ranging force and multiple outs. What Steve has added was the idea of using an ordinary deck of cards and some devious methods for both the forces and the outs. The basic routine is practically self-working. He also agreed to autograph all our copies.
Also just received Craig Petty’s new release. It is the idea of doing coin magic without coins. Instead of coins it uses game cartridges that look like SD cards. The gaming world has long been larger than the movie industry so these are organic to a large segment of our audiences. Especially younger ones we encounter at events and venues.
►All Out Magic:
This is more than just a card trick. It is a book (and some gimmicks to simplify life for the variants) that teaches an entire system and its applications to card magic and mentalism.
The basic routine involves introducing two decks of cards. You hand one deck to your spectator while you explain that the second deck contains a single card with an X on it. The spectator then deals cards face-up on the table and stops dealing anytime they want. The card they stopped at matches the card with an X on it that is in the second deck.
All Out Magic is a book of hands-off mental card magic. There are many variations and applications using Steve’s combination of principles that you will learn as you progress through the book. You will start with a simple self-working routine and slowly advance to more advanced and devious approaches and routines. In every version, the cards that the spectator handles are ordinary and examinable.
Get a copy: HERE
►Level Up:
You can now perform classic coin magic with game cartridges (SD cards). Transpositions, transformations, and more are all possible with these specially designed props, which bring some of the best close-up magic into the modern era.
You introduce a small, hard-sided case that holds game cartridges from one of the most popular gaming devices on the planet. You select a couple of cartridges and proceed to perform a flurry of transpositions. Cartridges jump from hand to hand, changing places even though your spectator is holding them. The labels transform colors. At the end, you can even hand the cartridges out to be examined.
Watch and buy: HERE
When I was writing the last newsletter, that introduced my latest release I remembered the words Ray Piatt used when referring to the person you are performing for. They were always the subjects. He would write things like, “have your subject think of a person.” Are mentalism participants subjects as opposed to audiences or spectators?
►Traits & Emotions:
This routine begins with having your friend think of any person that they know something about. It could be a friend, a relative, an acquaintance or someone famous.
You then show them ten cards which have a list of 100 different human traits and emotions. You have them look over the 100 emotions and traits and find the one that most reminds them of the person they are thinking of.
They then take the card with that trait and put it on your palm, followed with all the other cards, which are mixed by you and by them. You then flip the cards over and have them look for the trait or emotion they are thinking of. Once again, they hand the card to you followed by all the others and they are all shuffled.
At this point you already know the word they are thinking of, and you can reveal it anyway you like.
Watch and buy: HERE
Michael Rubinstein just came back from his convention appearance where he introduced two new releases at his lecture. The first was the Conviction Prediction which keeps selling out and the other I will introduce you to in the next newsletter. He delivered both to me yesterday.
►Conviction Prediction:
You begin by displaying three Poker chips and letting three friends select one for themselves. You then show them four small envelopes containing four different coins and they select one of those as well. Throughout the process you give them a chance to change their mind because they are all free choices. The envelopes are now opened revealing the different coins that were inside. You then reveal the surprise ending.
Even though they had every opportunity to switch chips and envelopes… when the chips are turned over, you show that they have permanent photographs of the matching selected coins embedded in them. Everything is now examinable.
Watch and buy: HERE
►April 17: A Night Of Magic at Bottagra in Hawthorne, NJ. Info: HERE
►April 24-27: Performing, displaying, and attending the 4F Convention in Buffalo, NY.
►April 28: Displaying at the MAWNY Convention in Buffalo, NY. Info: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Started packing the booth for next week’s 4F and MAWNY Conventions. Let me know if you want me to bring anything for you as I rarely have more than around 15 different products at my booth.
“Practice, that is the fundamental secret of learning how to do card tricks.”
…Hugh Morris (84 Card Tricks, 1964)