Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,056
November 16, 2022
Two of the routines I used to enjoy performing during the last century… when dinosaurs roamed the earth were the Sympathetic Matchboxes and the Acrobatic Matchbox. I stopped doing them many years ago but always looked for modern versions using modern and innocent looking props so when I saw the latest release using a Tic Tac container, which had a kicker ending, I had to get one and the method did not disappoint and the bonus, examinable, version was even more to my liking.
A modern version of the classic Acrobatic Matchbox using a Tic Tac container.
The basic routine has you put a box of Tic Tacs on your palm. It mysteriously stands on end and then the lid pops open by itself, and as a surprise ending a Tic Tac jumps out which can be easily eaten or given away.
As a bonus handling you are shown how to do an almost identical routine using an ordinary, or even borrowed Tic Tac box.
Watch and buy: HERE
You often read me praising the magic of David Roth, many of his best routines were published in his groundbreaking book that has been out of print for a while. The new reprint is available below. Before the reprint you would have paid 3-5 times what the new retail price is.
You can also visit the “Everything Roth” area of our website, where only authorized products are available: HERE
►David Roth’s Expert Coin Magic:
The legendary David Roth was the most influential and creative coin magician in history. He literally revolutionized the way coin magic was performed and perceived.
This book contains almost all his best routines. The routines, and techniques that created his legacy and that he used to earn a living with, both from lay audiences and magicians.
Get a copy: HERE
An excellent interpretation of the classic Mental Choice routine where a spectator has a free choice of any of five cards depicting good luck charms.
What makes this version special is that whatever your audience member or friend selects has been predicted in advance and those predictions are excellent.
Watch the video trailer. Everything is explained so you will know exactly what you are getting and how everything is revealed.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Upcoming Appearances:
Dec. 4: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: We quickly sold out of last week’s Gift Boxes Illusion, but we do have another big shipment on the way from Japan. Don’t forget to signup for notifications: HERE
“I only wish that when I was young I could have had a book of this quality to learn the true art of coin manipulation.”
…Dai Vernon (David Roth’s Expert Coin Magic, 1985)