Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,140
September 27, 2023
For the past few months, I have been introducing many new releases and I thought I should spend today talking about some of the items that I have been restocking but have not had time to mention.
Michael Rubinstein’s S.E.M. has been getting great reviews. The consensus is the coin set itself is of great value. The most interesting and accurate review is by Rick Holcombe who performs his modular version and discusses in detail what is included. You can watch it: HERE
Wanted to also remind you to consider my Progressive Bills release. I didn’t expect much because the whiners on social media don’t like these types of performance pieces. I was extremely happy with the initial sales and was shocked at all the name pros who purchased it!
Once you master it you will carry it to every stand-up show you do. I also find it to be a must carry for close-up and strolling gigs since you are often asked to do something for everyone at the end.
►Progressive Bills:
A routine right out of Meir Yedid’s professional stage and parlor acts. One he has been performing for most of his career. This is a quick version of the bill repeat plot that is logical, self-working, and has a powerful “applauds cue” ending. The brilliant part of the method is that the big finale serves as the secret gimmick throughout the routine. The routine ends with a flash unfold that produces the gimmick to great applauds.
It is completely self-contained, packs small (fits in a wallet or envelope), always ready to perform, ideal for stage and platform shows, a perfect Emcee routine and can even be a hit in family and children’s shows.
Watch and buy: HERE
When I first introduced you to these they sold out in minutes. I now have a very nice supply in stock. I dare you to make me sell-out again!
►Slap Mat:
Lou Johnson came up with a small close-up mat that can be used when performing on hard surfaces that need some padding. It is ideal for small close-up routines that involve cards, coins, or even a chop cup surface.
What is special about them is that they can be worn around your wrist, arm, ankle, or even wrapped around your cups and balls!
Watch and buy: HERE
I sold out of these after Magic Live and had to make more. I really like to do this. But I am not the only one, I saw my routine used to sell the inferior versions at magic shops.
►Escapist Coin:
Show two coins and a broken rubber band. The coins are an American penny and a dime that have small holes pierced through them. Thread the penny and dime on the rubber band and have a spectator hold the two ends of the band so the coins are trapped in the center.
You then pull on the coins and let them snap back, so they spin and bounce on the band. When they stop spinning only the penny is on the rubber band and the dime is found in your hand. It was seemingly plucked off the rubber band in a magical and impossible manner. Everything is examinable at the end.
Watch and buy: HERE
I love David Regal’s Prophecy Pack and I used to perform in all my close-up shows. I remember at one convention magicians were following me from room to room because they were fooled and couldn’t understand why different cards were being chosen at each show (it was because I was using five different decks).
Recently another magic company released this deck with a slightly different routine. They had the cards printed, so everyone they sold had the same force card. These are made by hand, by me, and are available in almost all cards so you can even do the knockoff for the same audience with a different result.
►Prophecy Pack:
This impossible routine has fooled some of the best minds in magic. It’s a reputation maker.
A prediction is written on a piece of paper and handed to a spectator for safe keeping.
A deck of cards is shown front and back. The spectator shuffles and cuts the deck as often as he likes. The spectator cuts the deck into four piles. The spectator selects one of the piles. The spectator turns over the top card of his chosen pile. Amazingly the selected card matches your prediction. People have started religions with less!
Get one: HERE
I really like Blake Vogt’s 4-way out envelope and use it often. That is why I try to keep it in stock.
►Number 4 Envelope:
This is an ingeniously constructed four-way-out envelope using an origami type fold that allows it to handle very cleanly and fairly.
The four compartments can be easily opened from the four sides of the envelope and each side can hold one or more playing cards.
Depending on which way you start to open the envelope you can hand it to your spectator to remove the card or small object.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Friday Sep 29, 1:00pm: Show and interview on Inside The Magician’s Studio. Info: HERE
►Friday Sep 29: Performing at the Magical Mystery Lounge in New Jersey. SOLD OUT!
►Saturday Sep 30, 9:00pm: Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW. (Preempted for Baseball in NY area)
►Sunday Oct 1, 4:00pm: Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW (PIX 11).
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Next newsletter will introduce a new coin set with unique qualities.
“The process of developing a good routine involves a lot of homework and brainstorming. It also involves picking something decent to work on in the first place.”
…Charlie Frye (Sleightly Absurd, 2023)