Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,173
January 27, 2024
The signed object to impossible location plot is a favorite among magicians and audiences. Most versions require a steal and a load of the object.
The version below is unique since the steal and load require very little skill and happen behind a natural action.
But what makes this unique is the prop that is being used. It is a pop-up greeting card that is being held by the spectator until the very end. Take a look at the trailer.
Although it is made for cards, I think using it for a signed coin or even a borrowed credit card would make it more personal.
►3D Guru Paradox:
This an excellent and unique way of presenting the signed card to impossible location routine.
You hand a spectator a sealed envelope with a prediction inside. A card is freely chosen, signed and shuffled back into the deck. The prediction envelope is then opened to reveal a greeting card that says, “A Most Surprising Prophesy Enclosed.” When the greeting card is opened a pop-up scene comes into view of a Guru holding a coin envelope.
The inside of the card says, “Look inside for the true you!” When the spectator opens the envelope, they find their signed selection!
Finally, a card-to-impossible-location needing no preparation, wallet, palming, swapping, folding, hiding, jackets, pockets… All you need is a deck of cards and the special gimmicked greeting card. It is an excellent ending for any signed card routine and is always ready because it requires no-reset.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Zinger Pro:
A quick, simple and direct prediction using a handful of coins.
Three coins are placed on the table or in a spectator’s hand and a prediction coin is placed in your fist. A spectator freely selects any of the three coins. When you open your fist the prediction coin matches.
No extra coins, no switches, no forces. You will love performing this and will carry it with you.
Watch and buy: HERE
Just received a small shipment of the Ultimate Floating Match. Have been carrying one lately and performing it often. One thing I discovered was that people react better when the match is shaking a little than when it is just levitating. Which is the opposite of what magicians assume. Also received more Fishy Fish that will fool you if you are not familiar with it.
►Ultimate Floating Match:
This is a self-contained floating match effect that is easy to do and is always ready. There are no hookups or external forces used. Does not require any setup or reset of any kind. It is always ready to go.
It is based on Ben Harris’ Cosmosis and is endorsed by him. It is offered in two versions. As a matchbook and a matchbox.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Fishy Fish:
This is a self-working and very deceptive puzzle where you show a picture of a fish that runs across three postcards. The cards are mixed so they are obviously out of order.
You turn the cards face down for a moment and when they are turned face up the fish is reassembled as it was before the mixing.
If you are not familiar with the principle involved, you will be fooled the first time you see it.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Brain Bogglers:
For many years Meir Yedid has been opening his stage, parlor, and formal close-up shows with a series of three optical illusions/brain twisters where he explains how magic works. The premise is that we tell you the truth, but your brain lies to you.
The three optical illusions/brain twisters are the standard Word Skipping Illusion, Cornsweet Illusion, and Thatcher illusion, although they have been modified to optimize the live presentations and make them more interesting.
Watch and buy: HERE
►eBay Update:
A reminder that 25 items will be expiring on Sunday night’s auction.
►Direct link to auctions: HERE
►Direct link to the MyMagic eBay store: HERE
►Feb 18: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
►Feb 22-25: Attending the G4G15 Conference in Atlanta, GA. Info: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Last year I purchased a massive collection of magic. I seem to be spending more time playing with the stuff instead of photographing and putting it on eBay. Decided to start emptying the cases one at a time and listing everything. We’ll see how long that lasts!
“The amateur magician who hopes to excel will not tell how it is done.”
…John Northern Hilliard (Greater Magic, 1938)