Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #947
July 17, 2021
Martin Lewis has created more worker routines than anyone I have ever met. What he decides to market is uniformly direct, impossible, and always entertaining. I introduced you to his latest routine the One To Six Spot Card a few weeks ago which is about to sell-out for the second time.
This week I want to introduce you to his Pocket Technicolor Prediction. His original stage version, that appeared in his book, has become a classic routine used by mentalists and magicians worldwide. I even saw it used on Broadway!
I like the pocket version better because it is very direct, easy to use, easy to carry, and it can play for small groups as well as on the largest stages. If you are not familiar with it, you will love it too.
►Pocket Technicolor Prediction:
The basic routine starts out with you showing three different colored envelopes. A woman selects one (let us say yellow) and takes the folded prediction inside it, a man selects one (let us say red) and takes the folded prediction inside it, and the blue envelope is left for you. The prediction in that envelope is handed to a third spectator for safe keeping.
When the woman opens her prediction is says, “You will select yellow.” This gets a big laugh as people start to figure out what is going on. The man opens his prediction, and it says, “You will select red.” Another laugh.
But here is when it gets good: When the person holding the blue prediction that was left for you, opens it, and starts reading it, it says, “The woman will choose yellow, the man will choose red, and I will be left with the blue!”
A quick, direct and entertaining magic routine that works itself.
Watch and buy: HERE
►MyMagic T-Shirt:
This black, high-quality, T-Shirt features the MyMagic logo with the missing finger. It was re-designed by Akemi Yoshida to replace the company name around the hand with the missing finger… with a magical band.
Even though the letters MYMAGIC appear on the bottom, only magicians would associate it with Meir Yedid. Everyone else will assume it has to do with you being a magician. When they ask you why the hand on the shirt is missing a finger… It gives you the perfect opportunity to show them some finger magic.
Get one: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Just finished working on the next David Roth release. Hint… It is his favorite trick. One he used to open all his shows with.