Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #942
June 30, 2021
Tenyo’s What’s Next? was my go-to opening routine for family shows. It is a well-made version of the Pop-Eyed Pips. I am sure all of you are familiar with the effect, so I won’t bore you with going through it.
I just remembered something that happened at one of those shows. But first you must know that at the end of the routine there are Eight spots instead of the expected Six. Also, you should know that kid shows generally attracted the same kids repeatedly, so most of the kids in the audience have either seen me do the spot card or have seen other magicians do it. So, they would normally yell Eight when asked what is on the other side.
So, this one time I somehow lost one of the spots in a previous show and did not find out until I was performing the routine. When everyone screamed Eight at the end, I adlibbed, “Wrong it is Seven!”
I thought I was going to get a laugh but was shocked with the stunned silence which seemed to last a very long time. It was as if they just saw a miracle… They could not believe there were only Seven spots. So, I kept doing it with Seven for a while… But it never got that same reaction again.
Even then, I knew that a rectangular card with spots did not make sense and I was looking for square versions that looked more like a die. The one that fascinated me was the Marconic version which had many multiple endings. I made one, using the instructions in his book and eventually bought one of the ones he made when I met him in London. I was never happy with my presentation and probably performed it less than ten times.
Today I am going to introduce you to Martin Lewis’ new version which is excellent (like just about everything he makes). It is square and has the numbers changing in a progressive order, which I think is important. Watch the trailer he made: HERE
►One To Six Spot Card:
Martin Lewis has taken the classic spot card and modernized the design and method with a logical shape and the latest technology to create a great opening routine for your shows.
Everything is made of plastic which can be easily cleaned. The overall size is 9.5-inch square with 2.25-inch round spots which is ideal for large stages to formal close-up shows. The spots are very thin and are self-centering so there is no fumbling or shadows because of thickness. The routine is also numerically progressive and replicates the spots on a die.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Hollywood Confidential:
A commercial, ultra-clean routine that predicts if your spectator will travel to Hollywood and end up either a Famous Celebrity…or a Washed-up Has-been!
Naturally, you tell them that they’re destined to be an A-List Star!
Watch and buy: HERE
►Back In Stock:
►Symphony Coins: HERE
►Rubber Sharpie Illusion: HERE
►Impossible: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Forget about last week’s PS. The company made the coins using the wrong type of metal and are now re-manufacturing them.