Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,045
September 24, 2022
I bet you didn’t know that I was one of the first people to create and perform magic with Rubik Cubes. I used to perform my main routine at the Magic Towne House around 1980-81 and I contributed two of the routines I was not using to the 1982 booklet The Magic Of The Cube. I believe I was also the person who introduced the idea of spectators mixing cubes, tossing them in a paper bag and then removing them solved. But that is ancient history.
The use of Rubik Cubes in magic has advanced beyond anything anyone could have imagined at that time both in skill and technology.
Today you will be introduced to a perfect Rubik Cube shell that would have made all my early ideas so much easier to accomplish.
►Rubik Cube Shell Set:
This is a Rubik Cube shell that fits over a standard cube that is included with the set. The tutorial (which is in Japanese) shows you how to handle the shell and the cube and some basic routines.
This is really a utility device you can use for many different routines since the shell comes blank and you are given stickers to assemble it anyway you like. You can use it for a quick solve, a prediction, a vanish, an appearance, or the many other routines invented for shells both with cubes and other objects.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Diamond Cutter:
A card selected and lost in the deck. You snap her fingers and triumphantly reveal… the wrong card!
It’s the five of diamonds, though the chosen card was the three of diamonds… so close!
To fix the situation, you tear off the bottom two diamonds leaving three diamonds on the torn card, but the index, of course, remains a five.
Then, in an impossible moment, you rub the index of the card, and the five transforms into a three, leaving the torn card with the correct index and number of pips even though the complete face was shown as a five just a moment ago. Everything is examinable.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Four Nightmares DX:
When purchasing this from us you get a video tutorial and English PDF instructions.
A beautiful five phase rope routine where two unequal ropes stretch to the same size, they are tied together and merge into one rope, a knot is tied in the center and visually slid off, another larger knot is formed and slid off to form a loop, as a finale the loop and rope meld together into one rope.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I was also one of the first to do Pac-Man magic. It was a thing with me… incorporating fads into my magic in order to seem relevant.

“I’m sure most sleight of hand practitioners would agree that the best method to perform any move is the simplest and most direct one.” …George Joseph (Hand Mucking, 1982)