Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,187
March 23, 2024
Believe it or not I was one of the pioneers of magic with Rubik Cubes. I first started performing with them shortly after they were released, and even published some of my routines as far back as 1982!
Have not had the desire to do anything with them since the early 1980s… Until now. Have been playing with the RD Insta and it inspired me to put a multi-phase routine together using it in combination with a shell. Hope to mess with it and eventually add it to my stage act. I am very impressed with this simple gimmick and am happy to offer it to you.
►RD Insta Lite:
This is perhaps the best, easiest, and most visual Rubik Cube solve you will ever do.
The basic effect starts with a mixed-up cube that can be shown on all sides. You give it a few twists to make it seem more impossible to solve. And then… it visually solves itself.
The solved cube can be shown on all six sides and even handed out for examination.
The visual solve looks like trick photography. It is so visual that you will swear the stickers themselves are changing color!
Watch and buy: HERE
►Candy Flash:
This is a rechargeable portable flash unit in the shape of a roll of candies that is used to vanish a piece of candy in a flash of light. Once vanished, the candy can be reproduced anywhere you like.
The flash unit can also be disguised as other objects and used to create a bright flash of light when needed to create a magical moment.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Super Business Card Holder:
This is an improved smaller version of the original Super Wallet that was made specifically for playing cards and business cards. And it looks as good live as it does on the trailer.
The most basic effect is to pull out a blank card three-quarters out of your wallet, give it a flick and the blank card visually changes into the selected card or your business card, a prediction card, or any card of that size.
Watch and buy: HERE
Every shippable purchase during March gets a FREE Magical Gift Card. More info in a previous newsletter: HERE
I have not been able to get any of the very popular Taillight Color Changing Knives for a long time because of supply issues, but Terry was able to get a new source for the 1893 doctor’s knives we like, so they are now available again, and in all varieties.
Also back in stock are the Zeta Cars that sold out last week and the Tenyo Four Nightmares which includes an exclusive video tutorial when purchased from us.
►Taillight Color Changing Knives:
Never available before, these knives are made of the red Taillight material used for brake lights on cars. This allows for an interesting introduction to the knife.
You can explain that you had the knife made using the taillight of your parent’s car, or from your first car and it has sentimental value and that is why you always carry it with you.
The knife style is a single blade 1893 Doctor’s Knife that was used for counting and cutting pills, along with more dangerous procedures. They are working knives that are heavy, sharp, and easy to handle.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Zeta Cars:
This is a practical improvement of the classic flower box production where three boxes of flowers were produced from an empty bag.
Using a similar method this version produces four boxes of collectible toy cars which are spring loaded to look like they are 3D.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Four Nightmares DX:
This is a beautiful rope routine created by Mr. Suzuki that uses a special set of gaffed ropes. With these ropes and very little effort you will be able to present a routine that you will carry with you for both stage and close-up performances.
This edition features five phases where two unequal ropes stretch to the same size, they are tied together and merge into one rope, a knot is tied in the center and visually slid off, another larger knot is formed and slid off to form a loop, as a finale the loop and rope meld together into one rope.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Brain Bogglers:
For many years Meir Yedid has been opening his stage, parlor, and formal close-up shows with a series of three optical illusions/brain twisters where he explains how magic works. The premise is that we tell you the truth, but your brain lies to you.
The three optical illusions/brain twisters are the standard Word Skipping Illusion, Cornsweet Illusion, and Thatcher illusion, although they have been modified to optimize the live presentations and make them more interesting.
Watch and buy: HERE
►eBay Update:
Please visit my eBay store and auction for some cool and not so cool magic items. I keep trying to add more stuff every few days.
►Direct link to auctions: HERE
►Direct link to the MyMagic eBay store: HERE
►April 7: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I was thinking that a Rubik Cube trick would probably bomb at a color-blind convention!
“Your first effect should be fast and attention grabbing and requiring no audience assistance.”
…Lou Lancaster (Tricks Of The Trade, 2003)