Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,168
January 10, 2024
I remember when Dr. Michael Rubinstein first showed me his R.O.P.S. Move (Retention Open Palm Steal). It caught me off guard. I had no idea how the coin vanished. He was gracious enough to show it to me at least ten more times and even explained how it works. I thought at the time that he was probably the only one who could do this.
Since that time, he taught it at lectures, on videos, and in print. For years now, every time we get together with other magicians I have him show it to them and they are always in awe.
He recently sent me a video tutorial full of all the little touches and variations he honed over the years. As I was watching it, I decided to try what I previously thought was out of my reach. After a few minutes of playing with it I was able to do it. Tried it in front of a mirror, in front of my friends, and they were all stunned at the impossible looking vanish.
It turns out that it requires very little physical skill… It is mostly about choreography and timing. I think anyone can learn to do this within minutes and master it with some of practice.
We decided to expand the tutorial to include a practice routine and a bunch of archival videos. The final product has become a masterclass featuring the R.O.P.S. move and its many applications, variations, and routines. I highly recommend this download.
►R.O.P.S. Revolution:
The R.O.P.S. move (Retention Open Palm Steal) is an extremely easy yet deceptive coin vanish you can learn in a few minutes and master in a few hours of practice. It does not use any difficult sleight-of-hand… just a simple combination of choreography and timing.
This is the most comprehensive tutorial ever offered about this move and is full of valuable new tips that will make learning it as easy as possible and mastering it as quickly as possible.
At its core you will be able to show a coin on your palm, tap it with your finger as you close your hand into a fist, and when you open your hand, the coin has vanished. This can be repeated throughout a routine without any worry about being caught.
In addition to the vanish you will also learn how to use the move as a click pass and even use it to vanish more than one coin at the same time.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Brain Bogglers:
For many years Meir Yedid has been opening his stage, parlor, and formal close-up shows with a series of three optical illusions/brain twisters where he explains how magic works. The premise is that we tell you the truth, but your brain lies to you.
Within the presentation he explains; “The reason these illusions work is that our brains are programmed for survival and not for reality. They will consistently lie to us and misinterpret things to seemingly protect us. Magicians take advantage of that, and the reason I am exposing it to you is that I believe the more you know about magic, the more you can appreciate it.” The routines taught with these self-working illusions can be used as an entire act by themselves or individually.
The three optical illusions/brain twisters are the standard Word Skipping Illusion, Cornsweet Illusion, and Thatcher illusion, although they have been modified to optimize the live presentations and make them more interesting. Suitable for close-up, parlor, and stage. They are also ideal for speakers and emcees.
Watch and buy: HERE
These best-selling coin wallets are now available in red.
►Cowhide Coin Wallet:
Now available in black and red leather.
This is a beautiful and extremely well-made leather coin wallet that can hold more coins than it appears that it should. It can easily hold up to four dollar-sized coins or six half-dollar-sized coins.
Get one: HERE
Although I recently re-stocked a bunch of the magic that I sold out of, I don’t want to overwhelm you so let’s keep to some of the coin related items below:
►Dean’s Coin Wallet:
This is a very nicely made coin purse that Dean Dill used with his coin magic. It is a double-sided switching purse that snaps shut. It looks exactly the same on both sides so you can use it for multiple outs, switches, or just carry your coins and small props.
Get one: HERE
►Wooden Coin Tray:
This is a small, handy version that is around 3.5-inches round, made of wood, and can hold coins as large as two half-dollars.
The basic routine has your spectator put a small number of coins on the tray and when you dump them into your fist (or your spectator’s) they double in quantity.
A Secret compartment loads the coins as you slide the coins off the tray.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sunday Jan 14: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: The response to my Brain Bogglers release was beyond my expectations. Was packing the orders over two days while the snow was piling up outside my warehouse. Luckily it was not as bad as the press promised and I escaped unharmed.
“The old saying that the hand is quicker than the eye is not true. The eye is far more quick than the hand. But, it is possible to prevent the eye from seeing what the performer does not want to see it.”
…Hugh Morris (84 Card Tricks, 1964)