Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #817
March 11, 2020
I had a wonderful time at NEMCON last weekend. Great new venue, great acts, lots of friends, great conversations and am looking forward to their 40th Anniversary next year.

Until then I will be hanging with many of my New England friends on April 5th at the Real Magic Roadshow in the Boston area. Many NEMCON attendees already said they will be there.
It only costs $10 per person but the reservations must be made and paid for in advance. Oh… you will also get a $10 coupon you can use with any of the dealers.
Who are the dealers? Besides me you will also get to hang out with Paul Richards, Chris Smith, Mark Mason, Dirk Losander, and Christian Schenk. With lots of new magic.
For more information and ticketing go: HERE.
I should mention that even though I will only be at the Boston event they will also be traveling to: Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, and New York. Info: HERE.
I have many friends who believe in synchronicity, fate, karma, magic, and all forms of superstition. Although I respect the theories, I basically lean toward what I read as a kid in a long forgotten magic book, “If you want to be a magician, you can’t believe in magic.” Not sure that is true but will stick with it for now.
But something coincidental happened last week while I was editing the Jerry Andrus Two Card Trick. While turning it into the download I also considered converting his other outstanding coin routine, the Miser’s Miracle. I decided that the reason, so few people perform it anymore is because it is not as simple.
Now, while editing the Andrus video I was also converting some 3/4″ videos for a friend of mine into a digital format. That was happening downstairs in my old editing suite and I would go down to check on the progress every once in a while.
So, this is the weird thing that happened. As soon as I entered the room I see Doug Henning on the monitor performing Jerry’s Miser’s Miracle! I forgot that he ever did it, but he did it perfectly, and the one part that discourages people from performing it was cleverly done off camera.
It is actually a simple routine to do but does require some preparation and practice. I feel that at this point I have to release it to you and include the Doug Henning performance in the trailer for you to see. Who knows? Maybe this was meant to be? And the reason could be you?
Watch and buy: HERE
Back In Stock… Again:
►Dean’s Coin Wallet: HERE
►Torn Corner Machine 2.0: HERE
Warehouse Finds, Limited Quantities & Great Prices:
This is part of a large Joker Magic inventory I purchased recently. Many of these items are no longer being manufactured and the ones that are will not be restocked. Once they are gone… they are gone!

Hit The Jackpot:
A Poker-size plastic card stand with a secret compartment that allows you to add cards to a packet. Includes three routines.
Info and buy: HERE

Fully Packed:
Decks of cards are produced from a wallet. You get three appearing card cases that pack flat and expand to full size.
Info and buy: HERE

Twin Cards:
A selected card appears shrink-wrapped inside the cello wrapping of a new deck that is being held by the spectator.
Info and buy: HERE
Still Available:
►Diamond Extra: HERE
►Mobile Printer: HERE
►Clone Cube: HERE
►Cube 4 You: HERE
►Ultimate Change: HERE
►Chameleon Deck: HERE
►Boomerang Cards: HERE
►Rope Illusion: HERE
►Penhenge Sharpie: HERE
►Inexhaustible Pack Of Cards: HERE
►Chinese Coin Bending: HERE
►Bermuda Mystery: HERE
►Color Changing Gum: HERE
►Gum Game: HERE
►Find The Red Card: HERE
►Magnetic Domino: HERE
►Jumbo Chinese Coin Color Change: HERE
►Vanishing Magnetic Mini Deck: HERE
►Ring On A Rope: HERE
►Silk Cube: HERE
►Mystic Wand: HERE
►Plexiglass Prediction: HERE
►Chinese Coin Transformation: HERE
Until next time, Meir
Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Mar 29: Lecturing at Mingus Magic in Reading, PA. Info: HERE.
►Apr 5: Exhibiting at the Real Magic Roadshow in Boston, MA. Info: HERE.
►Apr 22-25: Performing and Exhibiting at Obie’s 4F Convention in Batavia, NY.
►Apr 26: Exhibiting at MAWNY in Batavia, NY. Info: HERE.
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE Gene Maze’s fantastic chain routine combines the Fast & Loose or Endless Chain routines with the classic Three Card Monte and Three Shell Game scams. When the routine was originally published many top pros built their own sets and put it into their shows. The object is for the spectator to pick the peg that catches. No matter how hard they try they can’t find it. Even though you keep making it easier and giving them tips, they always fail. Of course, the secret lies in the fact that you have total control of whether the spectator wins or loses. | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This is a real Magician Badge that was fashioned on the badges used by law enforcement agencies around the world. It adds a level credibility to magicians while at the same time adding humor to your introductions. It is a great icebreaker. The next time you walk up to strangers you can pull out the badge as you say your name and title of Magician. It causes a moment of panic followed by relief and laughter. |
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE An outstanding prediction effect where you have 100% control over 198 possible outcomes. This routine is a reputation maker. It has every performance quality needed to make it into a classic. It is self-working. Learned in minutes. Immediately repeatable. No memory work. No stooges. No complicated mathematics. Self contained. Can be performed up-close or on stage. You will love the method as well as the effect. It is a pure pleasure to perform. | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE A beautiful hand spun Ping Pong Ball Vase made of a single piece of exotic wood. It comes with a Ping Pong ball and a matching shell (ball vase type). This is one of the few Ball Vases that uses a recognizable object, or what is termed an organic prop. Since the popularity of Beer Pong, that uses the same balls, has far surpassed the popularity of Table Tennis this has become a very common object. |