Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #940
June 23, 2021
I hope you enjoyed the trailer for Todd Karr’s Comedy Mentalism Kit I made. Had fun filming it and I love the sound of groans even more than laughter. These gags often produce both.
My friend Joe Silkie also liked the trailer and decided to punch it up with sound effects and fake laughter. He used this new remix as my sponsor ad for the Bitchin’ Baby Boomers show. You can watch this new remix: HERE
►Comedy Mentalism Kit:
This is a set of Todd Karr’s reimagined collection of mentalism gag predictions. A lot of work has gone into the photography and artwork, so it looks professional and not childish. Depending on how you present them they could get big laughs or huge groans.
You can use all of them as one routine, pick the ones you like for a shorter routine, use them one at a time as a running gag between other routines, or as emcee bits between performers.
The gags include: The Baby Gag, The Bar Code Gag, 52 on 1 Gag, Around The World Gag, Birthday Prediction Gag, The No Gag, Your Name Gag, and a Sanskrit Gag.
Watch and buy: HERE
You may have noticed that the Zodiac Coin appears in the “Back In Stock” section of this newsletter very often. It is what you might call a sleeper hit.
It sold out at the three conventions I took it to before the pandemic and it continues to sell out on the site. I assume it is because of word of mouth or magicians showing it to each other. The first phase has fooled almost every magician I showed it to. Got some more in this week. Check it out.
►Zodiac Coin:
This is an excellent and self-working routine where you apparently read a spectator’s mind by telling them what Zodiac symbol they are thinking of and predict what card they were going to select.
The basic routine (without the procedure) is of having a spectator think of a Zodiac symbol and its number. You then reveal the symbol and show that you predicted the card at the thought-of number.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Back In Stock:
►Ouija Pin: HERE
►Atlas: HERE
►Flipp Tipp: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Next newsletter will feature another Todd Karr release.