Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,145
October 18, 2023
When I first saw the smart reel watch advertised it reminded me of a magical moment I saw when I was a teenager.
An old timer (I think he was a friend of Cardini) did something for me that was truly amazing. A card was selected and returned to the deck. He held the deck in his right hand, his left hand was around a foot and a half above the deck, and he started wiggling his fingers.
The card started to rise out of the deck which looked great. But what blew me away is that the card kept rising and slowly floated up into his left hand. I was later told that he was using a Cardini Watch Reel.
Unfortunately, you cannot consistently do that routine with this watch reel. It is made for invisible thread, and there is an invisible thread reel built inside. You can however use it for the hundreds of routines that require invisible thread. I am wondering though if I can retrofit it with a strong thread and a more powerful reel. I am very tempted to try.
►Reel Watch:
This is a plastic replica smart watch with a built-in invisible thread reel. The band and face are all black.
It can be used for most routines that use invisible thread. Effects like the floating and the movement of small objects.
The tutorial teaches how to use it, a few routines you can do with it, and discusses how to fix it if/when the thread breaks.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Progressive Bills:
A routine right out of Meir Yedid’s professional stage and parlor acts. One he has been performing for most of his career. This is a quick version of the bill repeat plot that is logical, self-working, and has a powerful “applauds cue” ending. The brilliant part of the method is that the big finale serves as the secret gimmick throughout the routine. The routine ends with a flash unfold that produces the gimmick to great applauds.
It is completely self-contained, packs small (fits in a wallet or envelope), always ready to perform, ideal for stage and platform shows, a perfect Emcee routine and can even be a hit in family and children’s shows.
Watch and buy: HERE
Was surprised to hear about the passing of Darwin Ortiz. I spoke to him a few months ago about clarifying a routine that appeared in both his and David Roth’s first lecture notes. We also reminisced about our time together a million years ago. When I first started hanging out with magicians in the mid-to-late 70s David and Darwin used to debate/argue about magic and theory on a weekly basis. This went on for hours until it got to extremes and David would stop it by saying… “But that’s ridiculous.”
David once said that Darwin loved to debate, and Darwin recently told me that it was David who liked to argue about everything. But for me, these debates taught me how to think about magic and how to think like a magician. It is why I never get involved with these questions/debates/arguments that pop up on social media. David and Darwin already dissected them and answered them for me.
Their debates inspired me to work on a lecture premise (around 15 years ago) that if you learn how to think like a magician you could become a better magician. Eventually I decided that nobody would be interested in the subject.
►Dean’s Coin Wallet:
This is a very nicely made coin purse that Dean Dill used with his coin magic. It is a double-sided switching purse that snaps shut.
It looks exactly the same on both sides so you can use it for multiple outs, switches, or just carry your coins and small props.
Get one: HERE
►Tyvek Himber Envelopes:
Don’t let the word “Himber” in the name confuse you. This is nothing like a Himber Wallet. The actual design is closer to our Piatt Envelopes except that it can open on both sides instead of both ends.
It is made to hold poker size cards and is slightly larger than a card. The overall size is 2.75” x 3.75” and can comfortably hold up to two cards on each side.
Basically, it is a double sided envelope that is made to look the same on both sides. You can have predictions on each side for multiple out routines or switches.
Get one: HERE
►Sunday Oct 22: Spinnato’s Stand-Up Comedy Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
►Friday Oct 27: Magic After Dark in New York. Info and tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Sunday’s show at Comix will feature The Prince Of Mystery (Skip Daniels) and myself. It will give me the opportunity to add two pieces to my regular show. Hope to see some of you there.
“All magic effects, whatever their category, contain a critical flaw.”
…Gary Ouellet (Class Act, 1991)