Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,248
November 2, 2024
Many people have asked me when the David Roth 4-box set will be back. It took a while because the companies that could do an excellent job with them were merging or going out of business.
But I found a new company to make them, and they are better than ever. Best of all I can keep the price the same. If you were thinking about getting a set, now is the time. Keep in mind that these were made based on the exact dimensions of the boxes that David used at his shows and lectures.
Wanted to also remind you that the introductory price for the terrific Mike Bornstein download expires on Tuesday. I really like this card routine and have been using it lately.
►Roth Coin Boxes:
David Roth was undoubtedly the master of magic with coin boxes. He revolutionized the use of boxes by creating many different techniques that are now considered common.
In his constant pursuit of the ultimate coin box routine, he created the Roth Coin Box which allowed him to be secretly one-ahead, and it also did a lot of the dirty work for him making the routines cleaner and more direct. In addition to the Roth Coin Box, you also get access to an in-depth tutorial where he teaches what he considered his best Coin Box Routine.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Gambler’s Cutting Edge:
This is an easy card routine that simulates some otherwise difficult and popular sequences. It is a combination of a Triumph routine and a four-ace cutting routine.
You begin by shuffling the cards a few times and then shuffling them face up and face down. You then cut to three face-down cards and toss them to one side. You give the deck a final cut and when the deck is spread face down all the cards are now facing the same way… except for an Ace. When the three previously tossed cards are revealed, they are seen to be the other three Aces. Everything is examinable at the end.
Watch and buy: HERE
►L Deck Switch Wallet:
This is an innovation in wallet designs that can hold an entire deck of cards which is hidden from view when placed on the table. Once in your hands it can be used to switch complete decks, packets of loose cards, add a slug of cards to the top of a deck, and even switch other similar sized objects.
Watch and buy: HERE
Doc Eason’s book keeps selling out, so I keep getting you more copies and as before, he agreed to autograph all our copies.
►Cocktails & Doc Tales:
Sometimes you learn more about magic, being a magician, and get inspired about the magic you do by reading memoirs of successful magicians. There are very few good ones around. Doc Eason’s new book is an exceptional, entertaining, and fast read that will make you want to be a magician.
Doc explains, “This is my memoir. It is a story book, a joke book, a guide for aspiring bar magicians and maybe a little magic book rolled into one. The stories have shaped me as a person for nearly four decades; the fun, the drama and everything in between.”
Get a copy: HERE
►NOVEMBER 10: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Too busy working on the Halloween Magic Review to write as PS. Sorry!
“It is very important that you do not do any trick before an audience before you are thoroughly familiar with it yourself.”
…David Robbins (102 E-Z Magic Tricks, 1944)