Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,030
July 30, 2022
It has been a long time since I offered you a digital book/PDF. Probably because I don’t enjoy making them. The days and hours of monotones scanning, cleaning, and organizing can be put to more productive use… like watching TV!
As you might remember, I own the manufacturing and publishing rights to all of Mike Bornstein’s marketed products.
Mike was a good friend and an excellent stage manipulator who is best known for his paper money magic creations. He also created many close-up routines using cards, coins, and other small objects.
This book focuses on Matrix routines using colored coins or discs, which Mike felt made the routines more visual and easier to follow. As usual, the introductory discounted price will expire on Tuesday.
►Rainbow Matrix:
As Mike explains, “Using Rainbow Coins, I found that the audience appreciated the effect tremendously more, since they could follow each color step by step from one location to another. …the different surprise endings make these effects so unusual, baffling, and very entertaining.”
Although Mike uses stickers to color the coins, there are many other ways to color coins or even use Poker Chips.
Routines taught: Rainbow Monte Reverse Matrix #1, Rainbow Coin Matrix With Jumbo Kicker Surprise, One Color Reverse Surprise Color Change, Rainbow Coin Reverse Matrix With Surprise Color Change, Triple Reverse Matrix #2, and Rainbow Coins Transposition With Purse.
Get a copy: HERE
People always ask me what my best-selling product is. Although I have many that have done well, like my finger stuff, the two items that have consistently sold the best and continually get complements from magicians who use them all the time, are surprisingly my self-working mentalism products: Predict-Perfect and the WOW Book Test.
The reason I am mentioning it today is that I had to reprint Predict-Perfect and the cost of the linen cards I now use have skyrocketed. I decided to keep the price low but stop selling them to distributors. Although select magic shops will be able to get some directly from me. I currently have 29 in stock.
An outstanding prediction effect where you have 100% control over 198 possible outcomes. This routine is a reputation maker.
It has every performance quality needed to make it into a classic. It is self-working. Learned in minutes. Immediately repeatable. No memory work. No stooges. No complicated mathematics. Self-contained.
Can be performed up-close or on stage. You will love the method as well as the effect. It is a pure pleasure to perform.
Get one: HERE
►WOW Book Test:
This is the sixth edition of the best-selling book test that many professionals use in their close-up and stand-up shows. It is quick, direct and easy to present.
You show two hardcover books. A spectator selects one of the books (free choice) and examines it. A second spectator names any page number (free choice). The first spectator turns to the selected page and concentrates on the first word on that page.
You now read the spectator’s mind and reveal the word they are thinking of with 100% accuracy.
But it is not over yet. As an afterthought have the spectator think of the last word on that page. You can now proceed to dramatically spell out the thought of word for a double miracle.
Watch and buy: HERE
Wanted to mention that most of the stuff that sold out recently will be back in stock by the next newsletter.
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I will be receiving a shipment of Martin Lewis’ excellent new book on Tuesday.