Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #887
December 12, 2020
I am a sucker for puns… I really like them. I used to use them when performing. One time after a show at Mostly Magic one of the comedians decided to do an intervention. He explained that there has never been a truly successful comedian that used puns, comedians who try them get no respect and I should stop using them… Immediately. I said how about Rip Taylor?
Can you name five people who became famous or successful using puns? Didn’t think so.
When I saw that Steve Goshman put out grey sponge rabbits and called them “Grey Hares” it put a big smile on my face and I had to get some… grey hair… get it?
I could visualize myself telling someone, oh you have a grey hair, let me get it. Then reach behind their ear and produce the sponge rabbit, and if I felt like it, do some magic with it.
I can now offer you some Grey Hares, but first a warning.
Make sure that whomever you are doing this for has a large enough vocabulary to understand the pun. Also produce the rabbit before they punch you in the face for pointing out they have grey hair.
Grey Hare Sponges:
This is a set of ten small sponge rabbits. What is unique about them is the color. They are all grey which allows you to use the pun “Grey Hare” when producing them from someone’s head or clothing or even your own head.
You can use it as a joke and give it away as a gift or an introduction to a sponge bunny routine.
Buy a few sets: HERE.
I was also able to get a few Jumbo Grey Hare Sponges: HERE
Jumbo 52 B’Wave:
This is a very direct and easy routine that is self-contained. It is a combination of a Brainwave Deck and B’Wave in both method and effect. But there is more to the method than you would assume. Can be repeated 26 times with different outcomes.
A spectator or group of spectators name a color, suit and value of a card and that card is seen to be the only one that is face up in the Jumbo deck. The named card is then shown to be the only one with a red back and as a kicker ending all the other cards are shown to be blank.
Watch and buy: HERE
Back In Stock:
►Vegas SvenPad Routine: HERE
►Impossible: HERE
►Wonder Card: HERE
►Winner’s Dice: HERE
►Tyvek Himber Envelopes: HERE
Hall Of Fame:
David Copperfield and Houdini will be inducted into the Only in America Gallery/Hall of Fame at the National Museum of American Jewish History tonight (Saturday December 12 at 8pm New York time).
The induction ceremony that is also scheduled to include entertainment is free to watch live: HERE
Stay safe, Meir
PS: On Tuesday December 22 at 9pm New York time I will be presenting an all-new online lecture that will be free to everyone. Keep the date open. More info coming soon.
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This is an ideal stand-up routine with intrinsic situational comedy. Even if you are not a comedian the situational comedy that is built into the routine will always get you laughs. But not just laughs… The magic is strong and there is even a duel reality ending where the spectator and the audience experience two different effects and both are impactful! | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE You start by explaining that there is an old expression that “people wear their emotions on their sleeve”, but magicians wear their emotions on their coins! You draw a sad face on the face of a half dollar and then… to make the coin feel better you tickle the coin, and it begins smiling when the sad face changes to a happy one! Another tickle, and the coin changes to a yellow smiley face! One last tickle, and the smiley face becomes a big smiley face, bringing a big smile to everyone. |