Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,253
November 20, 2024
It is amazing how many people believe in ghosts, fortunetellers, psychics, horoscopes, communications with the dead.. It is one of the main reasons why mentalists can become successful entertainers.
Kreskin wrote a book a while ago which features short interviews, predictions, prophecies, insights, reflections, from and about celebrities and other well-known and successful people you may have heard of. His insights are very interesting, entertaining, and can be very educational (or at least inspiring) to mentalists. Each book will come with a collectible photo.
What is also interesting is that he asked all those people to make predictions about the fields that they are experts in.
Below you will also find a new coin purse and a great review.
►Future With The Stars:
The Amazing Kreskin is known as the World’s Foremost Mentalist. Here, he has assembled a fascinating collection of future predictions from celebrated individuals.
Show business personalities such as Tom Hanks, Howard Stern, Roseanne, William Shatner, Magic Johnson, Wolfgang Puck, and many, many others like sports personalities, experts in health, science, fashion, crime, and more.
The premise is to ask these well-known people to make predictions on the future based on their expertise, followed Kreskin’s insightful reflections on the thoughts of the contributors that are funny, provocative, serious, and thought provoking.
Watch and buy: HERE
Those of you who regularly read these newsletters know my obsession with small purses and pouches for carrying props. Below you will find a small, zippered purse with four compartments which coincidentally holds my recently released “Bent, Erased & Spiked” which is used in the product photo.
Also coincidentally, the December issue of Genii Magazine carried a review of “Bent, Erased & Spiked” which you can read: HERE
Although I only have a few left at the moment more are currently being manufactured. After purchasing dozens of different purses, the one I use most often is Ronjo’s Coin Wallet: HERE
►Zipper Coin Purse:
This is a coin purse that was made of high-quality full grain black leather with a durable inside lining. Its stylish look can be used to introduce your props as well as just use it to carry them.
It has four compartments which can each hold one or two coins (US Half Dollar Size) or similar sized gaffs.
Get one: HERE
►Bent, Erased & Spiked:
Both hobbyist and professional magicians are always looking for a quick piece of magic that can be easily carried with them and performed at a moment’s notice. This package contains three of those routines.
Another great thing that many of those magicians are aware of is that magic routines that end with an impossible object that is also examinable always get great reactions. All three of these routines end that way.
Coin magic specialists are often in pursuit of one-coin routines that are easy to follow and even easier for audiences to describe. All three of these routines are simple to follow, one-phase, one-coin routines.
Watch and buy: HERE
►DECEMBER 15: Spinnato’s Comedy Magic Show at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino in CT. Tickets: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I am also working very hard on releasing two new books by the end of the year. A coin book and a card book. Wish me luck….
“Knowledge is not power, the old saying notwithstanding. But it is potential power if you choose to exploit your knowledge.”
…The Amazing Kreskin (Mind Control System, 2005)