Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,105
May 17, 2023
They say practice makes perfect. But how do you practice? How do you rehearse? Who do you ask?
How about someone who practices six hours a day! Clemens Ilgner is a world-class musician and magician who gave the opening night lecture at the 4F convention which centered around how to practice.
He taught and applied the systems that he uses with his music to the art of magic. The lecture was a big hit and here are what some magicians, you may know, had to say: WATCH HERE
After his lecture he had a few sets of notes left and I grabbed them all and had him autograph them. They are full of solid advice, some of which I am already applying. Very limited quantity.
►How It Is Done!:
Clemens Ilgner is a worldclass musician and magician. He presented his lecture on practice, timing, rhythm as applied to magic at the 2023 FFFF Convention where he was a big hit. This is a very limited edition of his lecture notes on the subject that was created specifically for the convention.
Contents include: Thoughts On Daily Practice, Practice Plan, Rhythm, Metronome, Elmsley Count, Etude, A Switch In Time, Sponge Ball Vanish, Creating The Magical Moment, Coins, Click Pass, and Four Coins To Glass. As a special bonus the booklet includes video links which demonstrate the application of the many theories and strategies in the booklet.
Watch and buy: HERE
►A Cheaters Dream:
This is Astor’s take on Martin Lewis’ Magician’s Poker routine which is a multi-phase gambling demonstration which combines clever routining with a kicker ending featuring a McDonalds Aces sequence using a Royal Flush.
It begins with a group of 25 cards that are mixed face up and face down. When the cards are dealt into five poker hands the Royal Flush cards are not only the only face up cards, but they are also dealt to your hand.
The Royal Flush cards are then cut into the middle of the pile and five poker hands are dealt. This time in each poker hand land there is a face up Royal Flush card.
For the kicker ending each of the four Royal Flush cards, not dealt to your hand, vanish from their packets and when you turn over your Poker Hand you show the Royal Flush.
Watch and buy: HERE
Offbeat is a book of magic you will do – because it’s been done, thousands of times, in the real world, by a working pro. Are there difficult sleights required? Not really (though you’ll find a few underground secrets buried in the book’s pages). Prep-work? Some. But the end result is well worth the time required.
Routines include: Play Money, School Of Hard Knots, Balloon Mammal, You’ve Got Fail, Party Blower, The Key To Freedom, Tea Bag, Schtick Of Gum, Nest Of Office Supplies, Full Contact, Sealer Boy, Double Date, 15 Crayons To Pocket, MisMatch, Habit Forming, and Dye Another Day.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Strolling Smiley:
This is one of the rare, seemingly impromptu routines that puts a smile on people’s faces.
You begin by borrowing a Quarter from someone and drawing a sad face on it while explaining that coins can sometimes reflect the emotions of their owners.
To make the coin feel better by rubbing it, it begins smiling when the sad face changes into a happy one! Another wave, and the coin changes to a very happy grinning face as you hand it back to the person you borrowed it from as a souvenir.
Watch and buy: HERE
►New eBay Auctions:
I have 41 eBay auctions expiring on Sunday night.
Direct link to my eBay auctions: HERE
Direct link to my eBay store: HERE
►Saturday May 20, 12-5pm: Hosting a music festival in Westchester, New York. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: After Saturday’s five-hour show I will be home for around four weeks so I can concentrate on some new releases and even the product I released at 4F that I have not had time to do a trailer for.
“In magic, wrong or uneven rhythms often cause the audience to subconsciously perceive that something is changing.”
…Clemens Ilgner (How It Is Done!, 2023)