Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,055
November 9, 2022
Last month, after my show, as I was leaving the Mohegan Sun Casino, I noticed that there was a sign advertising a free Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes concert on Nov. 12. I was scheduled to perform there the next day on the 13th. Coincidentally their manager is also my informal manager, so some strings were pulled to combine things.
Jim Spinnato arranged for me to extend my run so I will be opening for him at the Comix Roadhouse on Saturday and Sunday. So, if you want to party with us, my show will be at Comix at 4pm, Southside will be at the Wolf Den at 8pm and Harvey Leeds will be joining us for some world-famous White Clam Pizza between shows. Oh and Guy Camirand will be here for Sunday’s show and dinner. Hope some of you can join me.
I currently open my stage act with a series of optical illusions as I discuss how your brain lies to you. One of the illusions I am planning to add to that sequence is the one I am introducing to you today: HERE
Although the current design does not fit my show, I am planning to have one made with a TV set and a smart phone where the screens will be exchanged. Have not worked out all the details yet.
►Gift Boxes Illusion:
There is a very famous optical illusion with an illustration of two different sized and shaped boxes where one looks larger than the other. But when the tops of the boxes are measured, they turn out to be identical.
In an effort to make the illusion play as a magic routine and to be able to present it standing up, the new artwork was placed on a steel board and the lids of the boxes were made into magnets. This allows you to visually demonstrate the illusion and take credit for the magic.
Watch and buy: HERE
An excellent interpretation of the classic Mental Choice routine where a spectator has a free choice of any of five cards depicting good luck charms.
What makes this version special is that whatever your audience member or friend selects has been predicted in advance and those predictions are excellent.
Watch the video trailer. Everything is explained so you will know exactly what you are getting and how everything is revealed.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Fishy Fish:
This is a self-working and very deceptive puzzle where you show a picture of a fish that runs across three postcards. The cards are mixed so they are obviously out of order.
You turn the cards face down for a moment and when they are turned face up the fish is reassembled as it was before the mixing. If you are not familiar with the principle involved, you will be fooled the first time you see it.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Upcoming Appearances:
Nov. 12: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Nov. 13: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Dec. 4: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: If you subscribe to the MagicSeen magazine there is a very nice interview with me by Gregg Webb in the November issue.
“The concepts of astrology were virtually set in concrete two thousand years ago and are clung to despite all our understanding of the stars and planets.”
…Kendrick Frazier (Paranormal Borderlands Of Science, 1981)