Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #975
November 10, 2021
The response to the ancient Well I Never that I offered you last week was so good that I was walking around the warehouse and found another very old product that I am sure only a handful of you knew existed.

But first a coincidence. I visited Dom Paolino who marketed the P. Cinimond line yesterday and mentioned the Well I Never tricks, he had three of them laying around and gave them to me. So, if you missed out you can still get one: HERE
This week’s find is an inexpensive card trick by the late Bill Pryor that has been sitting at the warehouse, untouched, for at least ten years. You see, what I used to do is at the end of magic conventions go to my friends’ booths and buy some of what they had left and slowly introduce those items to you.
In this case I remember buying a bunch of Bill’s two new tricks. I sold out of one of them and somehow forgot to ever add the second one to the site… until now.
There is one part of the method to this trick that is very clever and deceptive. Watch the trailer: HERE
►One And Only:
Six miniature cards are displayed, and one is selected. The five that were not selected are turned over and and are seen to have all the same color faces.
The selected card is turned over and it is the only one with a different color face… and unlike the other miniature cards it has subtly grown to a full Poker sized card.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Roth Coin Box Set:
This is similar to the set of boxes David used to sell at his lectures. You get the Roth Coin Box, a matching Okito Box, a matching Boston Box, and a lid that fits over all of them.
Comes with access to a 50-minute instructional video by David Roth.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Roth Coin Box:
Many magicians who purchased the original Roth Coin Box Set ended up only using the Roth Coin Box, from the set, for David’s routine or their own version of it. For the first time we are offering just the Roth Coin Box and lid which will allow you to do the main routine that is performed on the trailer.
Comes with access to a 50-minute instructional video by David Roth.
Watch and buy: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: A new batch of the hand-made N-Strippers and Wedgies are on the way and should be here in around 1-2 weeks.
PSS: To read the last newsletter go: HERE