Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,100
April 22, 2023
A smile can be a powerful emotion and is often used as a social connector. Scientists have also proven that smiles are contagious. What if you can make your friends and audiences smile uncontrollably.
Dr. Michael Rubinstein’s Strolling Smiley is one of those tricks that does it automatically. As soon as you draw a smile on a coin people react. When the smile turns into a grin it becomes contagious. You will learn three routines with the special coin that will make the world a happier place.
►Strolling Smiley:
This is one of the rare, seemingly impromptu routines that puts a smile on people’s faces.
You begin by borrowing a Quarter from someone and drawing a sad face on it while explaining that coins can sometimes reflect the emotions of their owners.
To make the coin feel better by rubbing it, it begins smiling when the sad face changes into a happy one! Another wave, and the coin changes to a very happy grinning face as you hand it back to the person you borrowed it from as a souvenir.
The tutorial includes Michael’s original routine, his new streamlined handling, and Meir’s simple handling.
Watch and buy: HERE
The May issue of Genii Magazine included two excellent reviews of my recent releases. For those that don’t subscribe yet, I included the reviews in the product pages for you to read.
►Camirand Academy’s Masters Of Magic Series: HERE
►Countdown Coins: HERE
►Scents Of Wonder:
Although there are many different types of routines that these special flower cards can be used for, the main routine revolves around a prediction.
You begin by writing a prediction on a paper napkin and leaving it in full view. You then show a stack of business sized cards with pictures of different types of flowers on them and have one selected in a very fair manner.
When the selected card is turned over it is seen to be a rose. You then reveal that what you wrote on the napkin was rose.
Watch and buy: HERE
►April 26-29, Displaying at the FFFF Convention in Buffalo, New York.
►April 30, Displaying at the MAWNY Convention in Buffalo, New York. Info: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: You will not be hearing from me in the coming week, but I promise lots of new exclusives during May. With two or more new items every week…likely deep into June.
“It is still true that no trick will be anything more than a trick unless it is well presented. The performer still must take the bare bones and clothe them with life.”
…Fulton Ourseller (Illustrated Magic, 1931).