Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,193
April 13, 2024
First some great news. I just finalized the purchase of all the rights and remaining inventory to the magic of my longtime friend Dan Garrett. I hope to slowly start offering you his products next month and re-releasing his best ideas shortly thereafter.
I have always considered Dan to be one of the most underrated magicians, likely because of his laidback charm and style, and am excited to be able to introduce and re-introduce his magic to you.
This photo of us was taken around three months before he passed away. Our booths at the 4F Convention were next to each other and we discussed me buying his business because he wanted to retire. I never followed up on the conversation until now, when his wife Carol and I finalized everything.
Today I will introduce you to Arthur Kurzweil’s Traits & Emotions. I have been performing this mentalism routine for a while and am very impressed by the reactions it gets.
I consider it a one-on-one type of routine since the greatest impact happens in your friend’s mind as opposed to the audiences’ experience. It is self-working and everything is examinable.
►Traits & Emotions:
We all have traits, emotions, and characteristics that are personal to us. Everyone we ever met also has specific traits that make them unique.
This routine begins with having your friend think of any person that they know something about. It could be a friend, a relative, an acquaintance or someone famous.
You then show them ten cards which have a list of 100 different human traits and emotions. You have them look over the 100 emotions and traits and find the one that most reminds them of the person they are thinking of.
They then take the card with that trait and put it on your palm, followed with all the other cards, which are mixed by you and by them. You then flip the cards over and have them look for the trait or emotion they are thinking of. Once again, they hand the card to you followed by all the others and they are all shuffled.
At this point you already know the word they are thinking of, and you can reveal it anyway you like.
Watch and buy: HERE
►April 17: A Night Of Magic at Bottagra in Hawthorne, NJ. Info: HERE
►April 24-27: Performing, displaying, and attending the 4F Convention in Buffalo, NY.
►April 28: Displaying at the MAWNY Convention in Buffalo, NY. Info: HERE
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Which Dan Garrett product should I focus on releasing first? What are your favorites?
“Of course, the effect produced by patter is much more a matter of delivery than of the lines themselves, though bright lines unquestionably help a lot!”
…Paul Fleming (The Paul Fleming Book Reviews Volume II, 1946)