Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,048
October 9, 2022
As promised, here is a new release. The reason the newsletter is a day later than usual is when I received thousands of custom cards last week, they were all cut off center, as you can see by the photo.

The good news is that the company I used, immediately reprinted all the cards and shipped the new ones overnight.
The better news is that when I was fiddling with the new Parlor Size cards and practicing for the tutorial and trailer I came up with some minor handling upgrades that I believe made Obie O’Brien’s routine, cleaner, easier, and more direct. Watch the trailer: HERE
The best news. If you previously purchased Obie’s jumbo Kolossal Kolored Kards from me you can visit the original link and get the new tutorial with the new handling.
►Kolossal Kolored Kards: Parlor Size:
This was likely Obie O’Brien’s favorite creation. He performed it every time he was booked at a magic convention and at all his paid parlor and close-up shows. It is a quick in-the-hands packet trick using large cards and a surprise ending.
The routine begins as an observation test using four Queens of Clubs. After turning over one of the Queens you ask how many are face down? When they answer one, you make a magical gesture and show they are all face down. After turning one face up you ask again, only this time they are all face up.
This is where the surprises begin: You ask if they remember what color were the backs? They answer blue. You say yes. But is this the blue you remember? You turn the card to show a completely different blue back with spirals! You then show the other cards with red spiral backs, green spiral backs, and yellow spiral backs.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Upcoming Appearances:
Oct. 18: The Virtual Comedy Magic Convene: HERE
Oct. 23: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Nov. 13: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Dec. 4: Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Just received another case of the hardcover 4F books, if you didn’t get a copy yet. They are: HERE
“One of the most delightful of all pastimes is the inventing and performing of new tricks, and watching their effect upon the audience.”
…Hereward Carrington (Magic For Every One, 1920)