Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,109
June 3, 2023
Dr. Michael Rubinstein popularized the Fusion effect with coins. He has been performing it for around 40 years. He came up with it while living in Italy when they released their 200 Lira coins which inspired his routine. He originally made it available through Tannen’s and since then he published it, put it on video, and even sold it at lectures.
The basic effect is to take two different coins and fuse them together into an impossible object. You can then un-fuse them and return them to normal.
Today I am releasing his original routine under the MyMagic brand. It includes his original video tutorial plus a couple of bonus ideas by me.
►Fusion Coins:
Routines with impossible objects as their surprise ending always over-perform. This is one of Michael Rubinstein’s favorites.
The basic routine features you handing two coins to your friends for examination (a Quarter and a Penny) as you explain the different metals they are made of.
You then place the Penny on top of the Quarter and after a little squeeze the penny sinks into the quarter and is fused inside. The odd new coin can then be examined.
You pick up the coin, give it a little shake and the penny falls out leaving everything examinable and ordinary.
Watch and buy: HERE
In the next few weeks, I will be announcing and previewing my upcoming appearances on Masters Of Illusion.
But until then, I was just told that the TV show I appeared on last year has just moved to the new MAX streaming platform.
So, if you are a subscriber look for Billy Buys Brooklyn, Season 1, Episode 10.
►Saturday June 10, 8pm: Appearing on the Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
►Saturday June 17: Performing, Lecturing, and Emceeing at the New York Magic Conference in Queens, NY. Info: HERE
►Saturday June 17, 8pm: Appearing on the Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
►Friday June 23: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Looking forward to my first NYC appearance in a while, with a lecture, and close-up. Currently planning on debuting two brand new routines at the lecture. Info: HERE
“Before approaching a restaurant, you must first ‘case the joint’ to see how you would best benefit them.”
…Apollo Robbins (Apollo 2001).