Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,094
April 1, 2023
The force is likely the most powerful superpower we have as magicians and mentalists. After the force, miracles can happen.
I am always on the lookout for clean, direct, and fair feeling forces. Around ten years ago Todd Karr released his Scents Of Wonder. It was as perfect a force of a picture of a rose as you can imagine.
You basically show 24 small photographs of different flowers. The spectator seemingly selects any of them and it is the one you predicted. Its method is unique since the photographs can be shown as different throughout the selection process.
This new release includes Todd’s original cards and a lengthy tutorial which teaches several handlings for the cards. The trailer shows the formal force that can be used as a trick by itself and Todd’s direct handling, which is ideal for walk-around, stand-up, and pre-show work.
You will also learn a more procedural version with built-in convincers, some revelation ideas and even how to make a rose out of a napkin.
►Scents Of Wonder:
Although there are many different types of routines that these special flower cards can be used for, the main routine revolves around a prediction.
You begin by writing a prediction on a paper napkin and leaving it in full view. You then show a stack of business sized cards with pictures of different types of flowers on them and have one selected in a very fair manner.
When the selected card is turned over it is seen to be a rose. You then reveal that what you wrote on the napkin was rose. But that is not all. You can proceed to twist the napkin into an origami rose, offer it as a gift and even point out that it smells like a rose. Satisfying most of the senses and giving your spectator a gift.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sunday April 9, 4pm: Appearing in Comix at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut. Tickets: HERE
►April 26-29, Displaying at the FFFF Convention in Buffalo, New York.
►April 30, Displaying at the MAWNY Convention in Buffalo, New York. Info: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: At the moment I am planning on adding many new items to my eBay store on Sunday. You will be able to check them out: HERE
“In behooves the magician, if he will be a successful entertainer, to make an effort to perform his tricks as nearly as possible as he would if he really did have magic powers.”
…Greer Marechal, Jr. (Magic For The Millions, 1957)