Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #939
June 19, 2021
I have been hinting about purchasing the rights to ten products that were originally released by Black Rabbit Magic. In actuality they were all created by Todd Karr and some were released by his Miracle Factory.
I am sure all of you are familiar with the amazing books he published and wrote. They are among the most important, scholarly, and beautiful books in magic. The attention to detail he puts into everything he does is way beyond what most of us would ever consider. That is why many of his books sold out and became valued collectibles.
The same attention to detail was given to the routines he created and produced. Most have been off the market for many years. I will be slowly introducing them or re-releasing them throughout the year. More about this purchase: HERE
The first routine is my favorite. It is a series of comedy bits, some you will be familiar with, and others are new or reimagined. Watch the trailer: HERE
You don’t have to do the entire routine that is on the trailer. These are versatile bits that you can intersperse within whatever you currently do. Either one at a time or in groups. If you can visualize yourself showing any of these to your friends and audiences you should get them now. They are available for both stage and up-close performances. By purchasing both the stage and pocket editions at the same time you will be saving big.
►Comedy Mentalism Kit:
This is a set of Todd Karr’s reimagined collection of mentalism gag predictions. A lot of work has gone into the photography and artwork, so it looks professional and not childish. Depending on how you present them they could get big laughs or huge groans.
You can use all of them as one routine, pick the ones you like for a shorter routine, use them one at a time as a running gag between other routines, or as emcee bits between performers.
The gags include: The Baby Gag, The Bar Code Gag, 52 on 1 Gag, Around The World Gag, Birthday Prediction Gag, The No Gag, Your Name Gag, and a Sanskrit Gag.
Watch and buy: HERE
►David Roth’s Eraser Coin Tips:
My friend Harvey Leeds was at a party recently and was told that the Vodka they served was the strongest in the world. So he dipped his finger in the Vodka and used it to do my version using his wet fingers to erase the coin. You can watch my routine: HERE
Buy an Eraser Coin: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: The business card size pocket edition can be an ideal ice breaker when someone asks to see some magic before you do the real stuff.