Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,138
September 20, 2023
There are many types of Index Wallets on the market. They are basically wallets with hidden compartments where you can hide up to fifty-two different cards, so any named card can be removed from the wallet.
I first came across this type of wallet when Tannen’s released a version by Tony Binarelli and Frank Garcia which Tony Spina loved to demonstrate. My friend Richard Robinson used to open his stage shows with his unique presentation using it.
The basic effect is simple. You show a wallet with a single card in it. A spectator names any card. You reach inside the wallet and remove its card. It is the named card.
I recently picked up a few of these index wallets that come with multiple types of gimmicks that allow a number of different routines. Also built into the wallet is a card to wallet gimmick which can also be used for one of Jimmy Grippo’s favorite routines where a borrowed ring appears in a sealed envelope inside the wallet.
The leather wallet is a pocket bifold that is a little larger than normal. Although it can be used close-up it is ideal for parlor and stage.
►Lynx Wallet 2.0:
The Lynx Wallet is a hip-pocket bi-fold wallet that is also an index wallet with 26+ hidden compartments. It also has a built-in opening/slide for card or object to wallet routines.
The routines and strategies taught include: Basic Card Version, City Version, Drawing routine, Number routine, Out Of Lunch routine, Card To Wallet routine, Object To Envelope routine, and more.
Depending on what you like to carry in your wallet this can be used as your everyday wallet.
Watch and buy: HERE
►S.E.M. (The Sun, the Earth, and the Moon):
This is a modular routine that can be shortened for table performances or extended to be used as a five-minute showpiece for larger audiences.
You will also be able perform the sequences in any order and use whatever presentation/patter you like. It is based on the classic Sun & Moon trick but with many differences in plot and gaffs.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Sweet Prediction:
It is a borrowed and signed coin to impossible location routine that is disguised as a game with a prize and a prediction. The appearance of the signed coin comes as a total surprise.
It is extremely easy to do and open to different types of presentations. The bag with the jar inside can also be kept in full view during the entire routine. You can also use the jar to load billets with predictions. Instead of candy you can fill the jar with anything you like (except liquids or powders).
Watch and buy: HERE
A couple of weeks ago I introduced the new marked black backed cards. They sold out in minutes, and I was able to get a few more. You can read my original newsletter about them: HERE
►North Star Black Marked Cards:
What makes this deck even more special is the unique marking system which uses its design elements to hide the value and suit of the cards in plain sight. Once you get used to the markings you will be able to see them from a few feet away.
You also get access to an online video tutorial and four PDFs by Mark Elsdon where he reaches his: Trace Elements, Zing Coincidence, Subliminal, and A Long Name! You are also invited to join a private facebook group.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Friday Sep 29, 1pm: Show and interview on Inside The Magician’s Studio. Info: HERE
►Friday Sep 29: Performing at the Magical Mystery Lounge in New Jersey. SOLD OUT!
►Saturday Sep 30, 9:00pm: Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
To view all my upcoming appearances go: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: Tony Binarelli has a clever way of cutting down the number of outs in a deck from 52 to 26 in his book that is quoted below.
“A myriad of objects catch the fancy of magicians and, quite naturally, a common object such as the wallet, that has a place of its own in every pocket and in every purse, could hardly be neglected.”
…Tony Binarelli (Class Act, 1991)