Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #761
June 5, 2019
As promised in the last newsletter another shipment of The Mueller Report Flip Book has arrived. They actually arrived on Saturday and I was able to ship all the pre-orders early. I have a few left, that you can get now.
Get The Mueller Report: HERE.

Sam Sléibhín who is producing these had an idea for a kicker ending to the report routine by adding a three-page centerfold that would unfold to show a silhouette of a woman undressing.
As a special gift to all my purchasers you can get a pdf of the three-page silhouette for free. Just download it, print it and then you will have to do a little arts and crafts to put it together.
If you already purchased the Mueller Report the Silhouette will be waiting for you in the media library of your account. Just log in and get it.
If you purchased it as a guest and not through your account, email me and I will send it to you.
All future purchases will automatically have it in their media library. Get it: HERE.
Also, Sam created a private Facebook group for purchasers to exchange ideas. It just started so it only has a handful of members and little content. If you want to join just tell him I sent you. The group can be found: HERE.

Quiver Coin Holder:
Kelvin Chow who created and produced the outstanding Quiver switching pouch just released a new leather item.
It is a simple coin holder that is made for half-dollar size coins. It can easily hold around four coins.
But the beauty of this is that the locking mechanism is made using embedded magnets so the holder can be easily attached to your belt.
What is not discussed is that the magnets are strong enough to hold magnetic or shim coins until you need them. It can also be used as a secret ditching device after a vanish for items that are attracted to magnets.
I like it and decided to only carry the black leather versions.
Watch & buy: HERE.
If you are not familiar with Kelvin’s Quiver Purse. You should watch the trailer and buy one: HERE.
I also just received a couple of Ted Bogusta’s Dual Position Triple Split Morgan Sets. These are the magnetic Morgan’s that can be placed overlapping without the magnets squaring them up until you want them to.
Get one (or both): HERE.
Until next time,
PS: Don’t forget to visit, follow and like the MyMagic facebook page where all of these newsletters are being archived. Go: HERE.