Meir’s Muses:
MyMagic eNewsletter #799
December 18, 2019
I hope you are enjoying the Impromptu Card Magic downloads as much as I am. When I originally put them out, I was too concerned with the production, packaging and promotion of the DVDs to actually play with and try the routines.
I am once again including five of my favorite routines from volume five on the trailer. They make my favorite list for many different reasons. I may like the effect, presentation, method, routining, or it might have something clever hidden within the explanation.
I forgot to mention last week that Aldo decided to use many of his one-liners before the performance of each trick on volumes 4-6. I am not including them on the trailer since they will be out of context, but you are basically getting 15-45 one-liners per video. They are mostly the same ones he used to use during his performances.
Impromptu Card Magic:
Volume Five includes routines contributed by: Stephen Jones, Reinhard Müller, Peter Duffie, Michael De Marco, J. K. Hartman, Stephen Tucker, Tom Daugherty, André Robert, Max Maven, Paul Gordon, and Aldo Colombini.
The one trick out this volume that I already started performing is Aldo’s Prime Cut. This is a very early trick of Aldo’s that he published under his stage name of Fabian when he lived in Italy. It is a nice production of the selected card between two mates. As usual the introductory price will end next Tuesday.
Watch & buy: HERE.
Joe Louis:
I just received a small shipment of the Joe Louis book.
These copies have been double autographed by Candice (his daughter) and George (his son in-law). It is a great gift for boxing fans.
Get a copy: HERE.

Comix Comedy Show:
On Saturday, Dec. 21 at 4pm I will be joining Jim Spinnato at the Comix Roadhouse at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Connecticut.
Tickets are very reasonable, and the casino is the second largest in the United States. So, if you are in the area please drop by and say hello.
Get a ticket: HERE.
I decided to extend the sale for the six-volume DVD set of Aldo’s Impromptu Card Magic until the end of the year or until I release all the videos as downloads. So, you can still get the set at a bargain price.
Get the set now, get the set: HERE.

This will probably be the last you hear from me until after Christmas, so I hope all of you have a happy holiday.
Upcoming Live Appearances:
►Dec 21: Performing at Comix Comedy Club at the Mohegan Sun Casino in Uncasville, CT. Get tickets: HERE.
►Jan 17-21: Exhibiting at the SAM National Convention in Las Vegas, NV. Info: HERE.
Until next time, Meir
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