Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #857
August 19, 2020
FIRST: I am continuing to ship your orders on a daily basis. Thank you for your continued support.
A few weeks ago I got a copy of the massive new edition (2019 Revised Edition) of Al The Only’s “The Magic Graveyard: The stories and secrets of the magicians resting in a small-town cemetery… and why they’re buried there!”
I didn’t know what to expect. A bunch of sad obituaries?
But I have not been able to put it down. This book is so entertaining, and I am finding out so much about my friends that are no longer with us. These are small and sometimes lengthy tributes, with more than 250-photographs, that are full of personal reminiscences and stories that are not found anywhere else.
I really like it, so I had to get some and offer it to you. I only have one case, but I should be able to get more if they sell-out. Al also agreed to autograph all my copies with his funny RIP.
The Magic Graveyard:
Some of the magicians profiled include: Harry Blackstone (both of them, and their families), Skippy LaMore, Jack Gwynne, Duke Stern, Bill Baird, Monk Watson, Karrell Fox, Don Alan, Ricki Dunn, John Booth, Hank Moorehouse, Phil Willmarth, Tom Mullica, Denny Haney, Johnny Thompson, and many others.
You are also treated with essays by Gay Blackstone, Gabe Fajuri, Johnny Thompson, Norm Nielsen, Karrell Fox, Tom Mullica, and Al The Only. 432-pages, 270+photos, Softcover.
Get a copy: HERE
A Karrell Fox Tour:
I know most of you are not visiting the new MagicTimes.com (yet) but I keep making daily additions to its content. It is slowly morphing into a giant repository of information.
Since I own the Abbott’s Highlight videos, I pulled out a Karrell Fox tour of the Magicians’ Cemetery where he reminisces about his friends. It is a perfect introduction to the book if you are not an Abbott’s devotee. That video is now available for free to watch on MagicTimes.
Take a look: HERE
Chinese Coin Shell:
These are US Dollar size expanded coin shells that are silver and black in color. They also use Tom Gagnon’s idea of having an image of the coin inside the shell so you can casually show both sides when it is empty.
Unfortunately, the coins that match these shells are no longer available, but they will fit over a US Dollar or any coin of that size. Limited quantity.
Get one: HERE
Stay safe, Meir
PS: Just finished adding 65 feature articles to MagicTimes, which are not found anywhere else. Some really important information is hidden there. Take a look: HERE
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This is a set of six ESP Symbol Cards (Rhine Cards) that have been manufactured with the “Feel A Color” principle build into them. This allows you to feel the orientation of the cards, even while they are inside envelopes. They can be used in many ways and can reproduce routines commonly done with one-way cards… except these can be performed while you are blindfolded or with the cards behind your back. | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE Two coins are examined by your friends (a Quarter and a Penny) as you explain the different metals they are made of. You then place the Penny on top of the Quarter and after a little squeeze the penny sinks into the quarter and is fused inside. The odd new coin can then be examined. You pick up the coin, give it a little shake and the penny falls out leaving everything examinable and ordinary. |
![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE This is a beautifully clean handling of Peter Kane’s brilliant Elongated Lady effect. You begin by removing three cards from your deck. The Queen of Hearts and the two black nines. All the cards are cleanly shown as you place the Queen face up between the two face down nines. In an eerie visual the Queen begins to stretch to one-and-a-half times its length for an impossible visual. The Queen is then shrunk back to its normal size and all three cards are cleanly shown on both sides. The Queen can then be given out as a souvenir. | ![]() MORE INFO & BUY: HERE The 1986 New York Magic Symposium was a star-studded event that took place in New York City. Many of the featured performers agreed to perform and explain some of their creations on this very special video. This is a rare opportunity to see many of these magicians perform when they were very young and beginning their journey to becoming part of magic history. Along the way there will be sightings of magicians you will recognize like: John Kennedy, Jeff McBride, Eugene Burger, Dr. Sawa, Devlin, Lisa Mena, Tom Mullica, Max Maven, David Roth, Harry Lorayne, Al Goshman, Jay Sankey, Robert Baxt, Richard Kaufman, Avner Eisenberg, Bob McAllister, Joseph Schroeder, Rocco, Peter Samelson, Michael Ammar, Ton Onosaka, Rudy Coby, Mal Cross, Jim Krenz, Mark Setteducati, Bobby Baxter, Adam Fleischer, Stephen Minch, and even yourself if you attended the convention. |