Meir’s Muses
MyMagic eNewsletter #1,110
June 7, 2023
Some TV news updates and two new items. First a very interesting Monte routine using match boxes and dice with an unexpected ending that will completely surprise you.
I was also able to find a small stash of Glorpys that I can sell very inexpensively. Probably for less than the ungimmicked handkerchief would cost. If you are not familiar with Glorpy I did a trailer a while ago: HERE
MOI is the acronym used internally for the Masters Of Illusion TV Series. I mentioned earlier that I will appear in three upcoming episodes, and the first one will air on Saturday June 10 at 8pm, New York time, and will later be available on their streaming platforms.
Until then you can watch the commercial that started airing: HERE
►Wild Dice:
This starts out as a shell game routine using three matchboxes and a die. It quickly turns into a Cups and Balls type of routine with some impossible appearances, vanishes, and penetrations. It ends with a series of kicker endings with the production of up to nine dice.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Pattern Glorpy:
Gorpy: The Gerkulating Ghost released by Madblood Creations has become a classic of magic. Many variants have been released since then like the popular Haunted Hank.
This version is based on the original and uses specially made and gimmicked pattern handkerchiefs as pictured. Available in six colors.
The basic routine involves you folding the handkerchief into quarters and in a ghostly manner the center of the silk begins to move and rise on your command.
Get some: HERE
►Fusion Coins:
Routines with impossible objects as their surprise ending always over-perform. This is one of Michael Rubinstein’s favorites.
The basic routine features you handing two coins to your friends for examination (a Quarter and a Penny) as you explain the different metals they are made of.
You then place the Penny on top of the Quarter and after a little squeeze the penny sinks into the quarter and is fused inside. The odd new coin can then be examined.
You pick up the coin, give it a little shake and the penny falls out leaving everything examinable and ordinary.
Watch and buy: HERE
►Saturday June 10, 8pm: Appearing on the Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
►Saturday June 17: Performing, Lecturing, and Emceeing at the New York Magic Conference in Queens, NY. Info: HERE
►Saturday June 17, 8pm: Appearing on the Masters Of Illusion TV Show on The CW.
►Friday June 23: Performing at Comix @ Mohegan Sun Casino. Tickets: HERE
Stay happy, Meir
PS: I will be updating MagicTimes.com and MeirYedid.com with the videos, commercials, and sneak peeks of my TV appearances a few days before each newsletter so you can check there for the latest.
“Because we are a prop-based field of entertainment we are guilty of putting too much attention on the trick… of wanting just that one more trick… That trick will make me a better magician.”
…Howard Hale (Showmanship Misdirection And Routining, 2000).